Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Recommend to Major Cooldowns Active During Bloodlust/Infusion add bufftime remains and Potions add Active During Bloodlust option.

hellovvorld1024 opened this issue · 4 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this request and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this feature request (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Feature Request

Recommend to add a buff time to the Active During Bloodlust and Infusion detection of Major Cooldowns in Toggles, such that the Bloodlust duration is greater than 28 seconds and the Infusion time is greater than 14 seconds。

And adding an option similar to Active During Bloodlust to Potions, with the same duration greater than 28 Second.
Because the current Potions individual shortcut keys are sometimes turned on, and they are automatically turned on based on the Major Cooldowns status too frequently.

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Potions cost-effectiveness I prefer it to be used when Bloodlust lasts longer than 28 seconds. Even only use it once every 10 minutes.


Here are the modified files:
Line 8191 in Options.lua

                                potLineBreak3 = {
                                    type = "description",
                                    name = "",
                                    width = "full",
                                    order = 3.1

                                potIndent3 = {
                                    type = "description",
                                    name = "",
                                    width = 1,
                                    order = 3.2

                                override = {
                                    type = "toggle",
                                    name = "Auto-Enable when |cFFFFD100Major Cooldowns|r Active",
                                    desc = "If checked, when |cFFFFD100Major Cooldowns|r are enabled (or auto-enabled), your |cFFFFD100Potions|r may be recommended even if the toggle itself is not checked.",
                                    width = 2,
                                    order = 4,

                                potLineBreak4 = {
                                    type = "description",
                                    name = "",
                                    width = "full",
                                    order = 4.1,
                                potIndent4 = {
                                    type = "description",
                                    name = "",
                                    width = 1,
                                    order = 4.2
                                bloodlust = {
                                    type = "toggle",
                                    name = format( "Active During %s and |cFFFFD100Major Cooldowns|r Enabled", Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( 2825 ) ),
                                    desc = format( "If checked, when any %s effect is active and |cFFFFD100Major Cooldowns|r are enabled, the |cFFFFD100Potions|r toggle will be treated as enabled, even if unchecked.", Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( 2825 ) ),
                                    width = 2,
                                    order = 5,

Line 2759 in State.lua

        if k == "cooldowns" and ( (toggle.override and state.buff.bloodlust.up and state.buff.bloodlust.remains > 28) or (toggle.infusion and state.buff.power_infusion.up and state.buff.power_infusion.remains > 14) ) then return true end
        if k == "essences" and toggle.override and state.toggle.cooldowns then return true end
        if k == "potions" and ( (toggle.override and state.toggle.cooldowns) or (toggle.bloodlust and state.buff.bloodlust.up and state.buff.bloodlust.remains > 28 and state.toggle.cooldowns) ) then return true end

The addon is for doing the most damage, not saving the most gold.

You can hotkey toggle potions on and off as you wish. Or maybe an option to add the potion to a separate display such as interrupts/defensives, or you could separate out your CD display.


The addon is for doing the most damage, not saving the most gold.

You can hotkey toggle potions on and off as you wish. Or maybe an option to add the potion to a separate display such as interrupts/defensives, or you could separate out your CD display.

Since it can be closed, it is not about maximizing damage, but rationalization.
Having more choices is not a bad thing.