Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Assasination doesn't recommend Crimson Tempest

sixsi opened this issue · 14 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

Addon doesn't recommend Crimson Tempest at all.

How to Reproduce

  1. Enter the game as Assasination Rogue.
  2. Start your rotation on AoE dummies or in any combat with 3+ targets
  3. See the addon doesn't recommend Crimson Tempest at any point of the rotation

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

Assasination priority looks not optimal in general. E.g. right now it recommends to use Kingsbane and then to apply Slice and Dice which is not optimal for the burst window (should apply bleeds and Slice and Dice BEFORE using Kingsbane). Updates would be appreciated :)

Contact Information

No response


Having the same issue on this one


Looks like the energy_regen_combined requirement is too aggressive (again). I'll low this threshold and/or make it a setting to configure.


this was a mop remix issue i guess. just got my char on retail and addon recommends crimson tempest :)


There's some scenarios where it does recommend CT, it's extremely rare and it usually recommends Envenom over it, however it can potentially appear. Sounds like Hekili has figured out the issue above


I'm here to chime in the same report. CT is extremely rare not sure if its a energy thing when envenom or ct is max energy is always envenom.


Assasination doesn't recommend garrote/ rupture when switch targets, anyone else?


Crimson Tempest is never being recommended neither on 5 target dummies or any packsize in a dungeon.

edit: for now you can go to Priorities->Assassination->Action List->aoe_dot->Entry 1.Crimson Tempest

and modify the conditions at the bottom "energy.regen_combined > 25" to a lower number like 5

thank you!


seems like it still doesnt work. anyone still has the same problem?


Crimson Tempest is never being recommended neither on 5 target dummies or any packsize in a dungeon.

for now you can go to Priorities->Assassination->Action List->aoe_dot->Entry 1.Crimson Tempest

and modify the conditions at the bottom "energy.regen_combined > 25" to a lower number like 5


Crimson Tempest is never being recommended neither on 5 target dummies or any packsize in a dungeon.

edit: for now you can go to Priorities->Assassination->Action List->aoe_dot->Entry 1.Crimson Tempest

and modify the conditions at the bottom "energy.regen_combined > 25" to a lower number like 5

I can't seem to find this line anywhere in that section of the add-on. my condition text read
"spell_targets >= 3 & variable.dot_finisher_condition & refreshable & ! cooldown.deathmark.ready & target.time_to_die - remains > 6"


I already removed the energy requirement from the 11.0.2-1.0.4 release. If this is still occurring, a snapshot with the latest version of the addon (at full combo points, in a multi-target scenario) is needed.
