Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[BUG] Survival - vicious hunt talent always known, causing sentinel action lists to never be recommended

BorpoTingis opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

It looks like once you reach level 71 and pick a hero talent, the vicious hunt talent is always "known" even when using the sentinel hero talent tree. This is causing the priority lists to always recommend plst and plcleave even when using the sentinel hero talent tree, and causing kill command to be over recommended.

How to Reproduce

  1. enter game as Survival with the Sentinel hero talent tree
  2. attack an enemy
  3. see that kill command is being recommended while at either max focus, max tip of the spear stacks, or both (which is expected if you're using Pack Leader, but not Sentinel)

Player Information (Link)


Error Messages (Link)


Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

dopethrone - discord


Have you tried reloading and stuff? Wondering if it could just be a UI thing making the addon think you have it?


Yeah, tried reloading a few times. No luck :[


Not sure if this is allowed, but I also have a issue with survival and its talents, I have things like Implosive trap, tar trap, freezing trap, intimidation, tranq shot and none of these show up in my action list order? and if i am to add them to the action list what priority do i put them so its mathematically best still?


Not sure if this is allowed, but I also have a issue with survival and its talents, I have things like Implosive trap, tar trap, freezing trap, intimidation, tranq shot and none of these show up in my action list order? and if i am to add them to the action list what priority do i put them so its mathematically best still?

Not really the spot for this conversation, but those buttons aren't damage buttons, which is why they don't show up. This is a DPS addon.

If you want to make a custom priority see: https://github.com/Hekili/hekili/wiki/Custom-Priorities

For anything else you can check discord, link is in the wiki. This ticket is for a malfunctioning talent.


As suggested by Hekili, I'm pasting over the 'Generate Skeleton' data:

-- HunterSurvival.lua
-- August 2024

if UnitClassBase( "player" ) ~= "HUNTER" then return end

local addon, ns = ...
local Hekili = _G[ addon ]
local class, state = Hekili.Class, Hekili.State

local spec = Hekili:NewSpecialization( 255 )

spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.AlternateQuest )
spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.AlternateEncounter )
spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Focus )

-- Talents
spec:RegisterTalents( {
-- Hunter
binding_shackles = { 102388, 321468, 1 }, -- Targets stunned by Binding Shot, knocked back by High Explosive Trap, knocked up by Implosive Trap, incapacitated by Scatter Shot, or stunned by Intimidation deal 10% less damage to you for 8 sec after the effect ends.
binding_shot = { 102386, 109248, 1 }, -- Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yds for 10 sec, stunning them for 3 sec if they move more than 5 yds from the arrow.
blackrock_munitions = { 102392, 462036, 1 }, -- The damage of Explosive Shot is increased by 8%.
born_to_be_wild = { 102416, 266921, 1 }, -- Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec.
bursting_shot = { 102421, 186387, 1 }, -- Fires an explosion of bolts at all enemies in front of you, knocking them back, snaring them by 50% for 6 sec, and dealing 2,699 Physical damage.
camouflage = { 102414, 199483, 1 }, -- You and your pet blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for 1 min. While camouflaged, you will heal for 2% of maximum health every 1 sec.
concussive_shot = { 102407, 5116, 1 }, -- Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Steady Shot will increase the duration of Concussive Shot on the target by 3.0 sec.
devilsaur_tranquilizer = { 102415, 459991, 1 }, -- If Tranquilizing Shot removes only an Enrage effect, its cooldown is reduced by 5 sec.
disruptive_rounds = { 102395, 343244, 1 }, -- When Tranquilizing Shot successfully dispels an effect or Muzzle interrupts a cast, gain 10 Focus.
emergency_salve = { 102389, 459517, 1 }, -- Feign Death and Aspect of the Turtle removes poison and disease effects from you.
entrapment = { 102403, 393344, 1 }, -- When Tar Trap is activated, all enemies in its area are rooted for 4 sec. Damage taken may break this root.
explosive_shot = { 102420, 212431, 1 }, -- Fires an explosive shot at your target. After 3 sec, the shot will explode, dealing 202,711 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
ghillie_suit = { 102385, 459466, 1 }, -- You take 20% reduced damage while Camouflage is active. This effect persists for 3 sec after you leave Camouflage.
high_explosive_trap = { 102739, 236776, 1 }, -- Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing 26,532 Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
hunters_avoidance = { 102423, 384799, 1 }, -- Damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by 5%.
implosive_trap = { 102739, 462031, 1 }, -- Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing 26,532 Fire damage and knocking all enemies up. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
improved_kill_shot = { 102410, 343248, 1 }, -- Kill Shot's critical damage is increased by 25%.
improved_traps = { 102418, 343247, 1 }, -- The cooldown of Tar Trap, High Explosive Trap, Implosive Trap, and Freezing Trap is reduced by 5.0 sec.
intimidation = { 102397, 19577, 1 }, -- Intimidate the target, stunning it for 5 sec.
keen_eyesight = { 102409, 378004, 2 }, -- Critical strike chance increased by 2%.
kill_shot = { 102379, 320976, 1 }, -- You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing 245,715 Physical damage. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health.
kindling_flare = { 102425, 459506, 1 }, -- Stealthed enemies revealed by Flare remain revealed for 3 sec after exiting the flare.
kodo_tranquilizer = { 102415, 459983, 1 }, -- Tranquilizing Shot removes up to 1 additional Magic effect from up to 2 nearby targets.
lone_survivor = { 102391, 388039, 1 }, -- Reduce the cooldown of Survival of the Fittest by 30 sec, and increase its duration by 2.0 sec. Reduce the cooldown of Counter Shot and Muzzle by 2 sec.
misdirection = { 102419, 34477, 1 }, -- Misdirects all threat you cause to the targeted party or raid member, beginning with your next attack within 30 sec and lasting for 8 sec.
moment_of_opportunity = { 102426, 459488, 1 }, -- When a trap triggers, you gain Aspect of the Cheetah for 3 sec. Can only occur every 1 min.
muzzle = { 79837, 187707, 1 }, -- Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
natural_mending = { 102401, 270581, 1 }, -- Every 10 Focus you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on Exhilaration by 1.0 sec.
no_hard_feelings = { 102412, 459546, 1 }, -- When Misdirection targets your pet, it reduces the damage they take by 50% for 5 sec.
padded_armor = { 102406, 459450, 1 }, -- Survival of the Fittest gains an additional charge.
pathfinding = { 102404, 378002, 1 }, -- Movement speed increased by 4%.
posthaste = { 102411, 109215, 1 }, -- Disengage also frees you from all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by 50% for 4 sec.
quick_load = { 102413, 378771, 1 }, -- When you fall below 40% health, Bursting Shot and Scatter Shot have their cooldown immediately reset. This can only occur once every 25 sec.
rejuvenating_wind = { 102381, 385539, 1 }, -- Maximum health increased by 8%, and Exhilaration now also heals you for an additional 12.0% of your maximum health over 8 sec.
roar_of_sacrifice = { 102405, 53480, 1 }, -- Instructs your pet to protect a friendly target from critical strikes, making attacks against that target unable to be critical strikes, but 10% of all damage taken by that target is also taken by the pet. Lasts 12 sec.
scare_beast = { 102382, 1513, 1 }, -- Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be feared at a time.
scatter_shot = { 102421, 213691, 1 }, -- A short-range shot that deals 2,065 damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and incapacitates the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used.
scouts_instincts = { 102424, 459455, 1 }, -- You cannot be slowed below 80% of your normal movement speed while Aspect of the Cheetah is active.
scrappy = { 102408, 459533, 1 }, -- Casting Wildfire Bomb reduces the cooldown of Intimidation and Binding Shot by 0.5 sec.
serrated_tips = { 102384, 459502, 1 }, -- You gain 5% more critical strike from critical strike sources.
specialized_arsenal = { 102390, 459542, 1 }, -- Wildfire Bomb deals 10% increased damage.
survival_of_the_fittest = { 102422, 264735, 1 }, -- Reduces all damage you and your pet take by 30% for 8 sec.
tar_trap = { 102393, 187698, 1 }, -- Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
tarcoated_bindings = { 102417, 459460, 1 }, -- Binding Shot's stun duration is increased by 1 sec.
territorial_instincts = { 102394, 459507, 1 }, -- Casting Intimidation without a pet now summons one from your stables to intimidate the target. Additionally, the cooldown of Intimidation is reduced by 5 sec.
trailblazer = { 102400, 199921, 1 }, -- Your movement speed is increased by 30% anytime you have not attacked for 3 sec.
tranquilizing_shot = { 102380, 19801, 1 }, -- Removes 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target. Successfully dispelling an effect generates 10 Focus.
trigger_finger = { 102396, 459534, 2 }, -- You and your pet have 5.0% increased attack speed. This effect is increased by 100% if you do not have an active pet.
unnatural_causes = { 102387, 459527, 1 }, -- Your damage over time effects deal 10% increased damage. This effect is increased by 50% on targets below 20% health.
wilderness_medicine = { 102383, 343242, 1 }, -- Mend Pet heals for an additional 25% of your pet's health over its duration, and has a 25% chance to dispel a magic effect each time it heals your pet.

-- Dark Ranger
alpha_predator             = { 102259, 269737, 1 }, -- Kill Command now has 2 charges, and deals 15% increased damage.
bloodseeker                = { 102270, 260248, 1 }, -- Kill Command causes the target to bleed for 20,100 damage over 8 sec. You and your pet gain 10% attack speed for every bleeding enemy within 12 yds.
bloody_claws               = { 102268, 385737, 1 }, -- Each stack of Mongoose Fury increases the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2%. Kill Command extends the duration of Mongoose Fury by 1.5 sec.
bombardier                 = { 102273, 389880, 1 }, -- When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 charges of Wildfire Bomb. When Coordinated Assault ends, your next 2 Explosive Shots are free and have no cooldown.
butchery                   = { 102290, 212436, 1 }, -- Attack all nearby enemies in a flurry of strikes, inflicting 103,610 Physical damage to each. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
contagious_reagents        = { 102276, 459741, 1 }, -- Reapplying Serpent Sting to a target also spreads it to up to 2 nearby enemies.
coordinated_assault        = { 102252, 360952, 1 }, -- You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for a combined 163,810 Physical damage. You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing you and your pet to deal 20% increased damage. While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Command's chance to reset its cooldown is increased by 15%.
deadly_duo                 = { 102284, 378962, 1 }, -- The cooldown of Spearhead is reduced by 30 sec and Spearhead's bleed now increases your critical strike damage against the target by 30%.
explosives_expert          = { 102281, 378937, 2 }, -- Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduced by 2.0 sec.
exposed_flank              = { 102271, 459861, 1 }, -- Your Flanking Strike now strikes 2 additional nearby targets at 100% effectiveness, and exposes a weakness in your enemy's defenses, causing your Kill Command to hit 2 additional nearby enemies for 10 sec.
flankers_advantage         = { 102283, 459964, 1 }, -- Kill Command has an additional 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased up to 30%, based on your critical strike chance.
flanking_strike            = { 102278, 269751, 1 }, -- You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of 205,428 Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
frenzy_strikes             = { 102286, 294029, 1 }, -- Butchery reduces the remaining cooldown on Wildfire Bomb by 1.0 sec for each target hit, up to 5.
fury_of_the_eagle          = { 102275, 203415, 1 }, -- Furiously strikes all enemies in front of you, dealing 583,728 Physical damage over 3.6 sec. Critical strike chance increased by 50% against any target below 20% health. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kill Command cooldown resets reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle by 3.0 sec.
grenade_juggler            = { 102287, 459843, 1 }, -- Wildfire Bomb deals 5% increased damage and has a 25% chance to also cast an Explosive Shot at your target at 100% effectiveness. Explosive Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 2 sec.
guerrilla_tactics          = { 102285, 264332, 1 }, -- Wildfire Bomb now has 2 charges, and the initial explosion deals 50% increased damage.
improved_wildfire_bomb     = { 102274, 321290, 1 }, -- Wildfire Bomb deals 8% additional damage.
kill_command               = { 102255, 259489, 1 }, -- Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal 75,492 Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 20% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Generates 15 Focus.
killer_companion           = { 102282, 378955, 2 }, -- Kill Command damage increased by 10%.
lunge                      = { 102272, 378934, 1 }, -- Auto-attacks with a two-handed weapon reduce the cooldown of Wildfire Bombs by 1.0 sec.
merciless_blows            = { 102267, 459868, 1 }, -- Casting Butchery makes your next Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite hit 3 targets.
mongoose_bite              = { 102257, 259387, 1 }, -- A brutal attack that deals 131,376 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% and the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times.
outland_venom              = { 102269, 459939, 1 }, -- Each damage over time effect on a target increases the critical strike damage they receive from you by 2%.
quick_shot                 = { 102279, 378940, 1 }, -- When you cast Kill Command, you have a 30% chance to fire an Arcane Shot at your target at 100% of normal value.
ranger                     = { 102288, 385695, 1 }, -- Kill Shot, Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, and Explosive Shot deal 20% increased damage.
raptor_strike              = { 102262, 186270, 1 }, -- A vicious slash dealing 161,046 Physical damage.
relentless_primal_ferocity = { 102258, 459922, 1 }, -- Coordinated Assault sends you and your pet into a state of primal power. For the duration of Coordinated Assault, Kill Command generates 1 additional stack of Tip of the Spear, you gain 10% Haste, and Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased by 50%. 
ruthless_marauder          = { 102261, 385718, 2 }, -- Fury of the Eagle now gains bonus critical strike chance against targets below 35% health, and Fury of the Eagle critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb and Flanking Strike by 1.0 sec.
sic_em                     = { 102280, 459920, 1 }, -- Casting Kill Command has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Shot, make it usable on targets regardless of Health, and strike up to 2 additional targets. This chance is doubled during Coordinated Assault.
spearhead                  = { 102291, 360966, 1 }, -- You give the signal, and your pet charges your target, bleeding them for 168,929 damage over 10 sec and increasing your chance to critically strike your target by 30% for 10 sec.
sulfurlined_pockets        = { 102266, 459828, 1 }, -- Every 3 Quick Shots is replaced with an Explosive Shot at 100% effectiveness.
sweeping_spear             = { 102289, 378950, 2 }, -- Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, and Butchery damage increased by 10%.
symbiotic_adrenaline       = { 102258, 459875, 1 }, -- The cooldown of Coordinated Assault is reduced by 60 sec and Coordinated Assault now grants 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
tactical_advantage         = { 102277, 378951, 1 }, -- Damage of Flanking Strike increased by 5% and all damage dealt by Wildfire Bomb increased by 5%.
terms_of_engagement        = { 102256, 265895, 1 }, -- Harpoon has a 10 sec reduced cooldown, and deals 25,595 Physical damage and generates 20 Focus over 10 sec. Killing an enemy resets the cooldown of Harpoon.
tip_of_the_spear           = { 102263, 260285, 1 }, -- Kill Command increases the direct damage of your other spells by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
vipers_venom               = { 102260, 268501, 1 }, -- Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite apply Serpent Sting to your target. Serpent Sting Fire a poison-tipped arrow at an enemy, dealing 18,109 Nature damage instantly and an additional 117,022 damage over 12 sec.
wildfire_bomb              = { 102264, 259495, 1 }, -- Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for 85,808 Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for 79,653 Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
wildfire_infusion          = { 102265, 460198, 1 }, -- Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike have a 10% chance to reset Kill Command's cooldown. Kill Command reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 0.5 sec.

-- Pack Leader
beast_of_opportunity       = {  94979, 445700, 1 }, -- Coordinated Assault calls on the pack, summoning a pet from your stable for 6 sec.
cornered_prey              = {  94984, 445702, 1 }, -- Disengage increases the range of all your attacks by 5 yds for 5 sec.
covering_fire              = {  94969, 445715, 1 }, -- Wildfire Bomb reduces the cooldown of Butchery by 2 sec.
cull_the_herd              = {  94967, 445717, 1 }, -- Kill Shot deals an additional 30% damage over 6 sec and increases the bleed damage you and your pet deal to the target by 25%.
den_recovery               = {  94972, 445710, 1 }, -- Aspect of the Turtle, Survival of the Fittest, and Mend Pet heal the target for 20% of maximum health over 4 sec. Duration increased by 1 sec when healing a target under 50% maximum health.
frenzied_tear              = {  94988, 445696, 1 }, -- Your pet's Basic Attack has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown and cause Kill Command to strike a second time for 30% of normal damage.
furious_assault            = {  94979, 445699, 1 }, -- Consuming Frenzied Tear has a 50% chance to reduce the cost of your next Mongoose Bite by 100% and deal 30% more damage.
howl_of_the_pack           = {  94992, 445707, 1 }, -- Your pet's Basic Attack critical strikes increase your critical strike damage by 7% for 8 sec stacking up to 3 times.
pack_assault               = {  94966, 445721, 1 }, -- Vicious Hunt and Pack Coordination now stack and apply twice, and are always active during Coordinated Assault.
pack_coordination          = {  94985, 445505, 1 }, -- Attacking with Vicious Hunt instructs your pet to strike with their Basic Attack along side your next Mongoose Bite.
scattered_prey             = {  94969, 445768, 1 }, -- Butchery increases the damage of your next Butchery by 40%.
tireless_hunt              = {  94984, 445701, 1 }, -- Aspect of the Cheetah now increases movement speed by 15% for another 8 sec.
vicious_hunt               = {  94991, 445404, 1 }, -- Kill Command prepares you to viciously attack in coordination with your pet, dealing an additional 153,572 Physical damage with your next Kill Command.
wild_attacks               = {  94962, 445708, 1 }, -- Every third pet Basic Attack is a guaranteed critical strike, with damage further increased by critical strike chance.

-- Dark Ranger
black_arrow                = {  94987, 430703, 1 }, -- Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing 452,077 Shadow damage over 18 sec. Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a 10% chance to generate a charge of Barbed Shot or Aimed Shot.
catch_out                  = {  94990, 451516, 1 }, -- When a target affected by Sentinel deals damage to you, they are rooted for 3 sec. May only occur every 1 min per target.
crescent_steel             = {  94980, 451530, 1 }, -- Targets you damage below 20% health gain a stack of Sentinel every 3 sec.
dark_chains                = {  94960, 430712, 1 }, -- Disengage will chain the closest target to the ground, causing them to move 40% slower until they move 8 yards away.
dark_empowerment           = {  94986, 430718, 1 }, -- When Black Arrow resets the cooldown of an ability, gain 15 Focus.
darkness_calls             = {  94974, 430722, 1 }, -- All Shadow damage you and your pets deal is increased by 10%.
death_shade                = {  94968, 430711, 1 }, -- When you apply Black Arrow to a target, you gain the Deathblow or Hunter's Prey effect.
dont_look_back             = {  94989, 450373, 1 }, -- Each time Sentinel deals damage to an enemy you gain an absorb shield equal to 1% of your maximum health, up to 10%.
embrace_the_shadows        = {  94959, 430704, 1 }, -- You heal for 15% of all Shadow damage dealt by you or your pets.
extrapolated_shots         = {  94973, 450374, 1 }, -- When you apply Sentinel to a target not affected by Sentinel, you apply 1 additional stack.
eyes_closed                = {  94970, 450381, 1 }, -- For 8 sec after activating Coordinated Assault, all abilities are guaranteed to apply Sentinel.
grave_reaper               = {  94986, 430719, 1 }, -- When a target affected by Black Arrow dies, the cooldown of Black Arrow is reduced by 12 sec.
invigorating_pulse         = {  94971, 450379, 1 }, -- Each time Sentinel deals damage to an enemy it has an up to 15% chance to generate 5 focus. Chances decrease with each additional Sentinel currently imploding applied to enemies.
lunar_storm                = {  94978, 450385, 1 }, -- Every 15 sec your next Wildfire Bomb summons a celestial owl that conjures a 10 yd radius Lunar Storm at the target's location for 8 sec. A random enemy affected by Sentinel within your Lunar Storm gets struck for 38,393 Arcane damage every 0.4 sec. Any target struck by this effect takes 10% increased damage from you and your pet for 8 sec. 
overshadow                 = {  94961, 430716, 1 }, -- Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire deal 20% increased damage.
overwatch                  = {  94980, 450384, 1 }, -- All Sentinel debuffs implode when a target affected by more than 3 stacks of your Sentinel falls below 20% health.
release_and_reload         = {  94958, 450376, 1 }, -- When you apply Sentinel on a target, you have a 15% chance to apply a second stack.
sentinel                   = {  94976, 450369, 1 }, -- Your attacks have a chance to apply Sentinel on the target, stacking up to 10 times. While Sentinel stacks are higher than 3, applying Sentinel has a chance to trigger an implosion, causing a stack to be consumed on the target every sec to deal 40,082 Arcane damage. 
sentinel_precision         = {  94981, 450375, 1 }, -- Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite and Wildfire Bomb deal 10% increased damage. 
sentinel_watch             = {  94970, 451546, 1 }, -- Whenever a Sentinel deals damage, the cooldown of Coordinated Assault is reduced by 1 sec, up to 15 sec.
shadow_erasure             = {  94974, 430720, 1 }, -- Kill Shot has a 15% chance to generate a charge of Barbed Shot or Aimed Shot when used on a target affected by Black Arrow.
shadow_hounds              = {  94983, 430707, 1 }, -- Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a 10% chance to manifest a Dark Hound to charge to your target and deal Shadow damage.
shadow_lash                = {  94957, 430717, 1 }, -- When Call of the Wild or Trueshot is active, Black Arrow deals damage 50% faster.
shadow_surge               = {  94982, 430714, 1 }, -- When Multi-Shot hits a target affected by Black Arrow, a burst of Shadow energy erupts, dealing moderate Shadow damage to all enemies near the target. This can only occur once every 6 sec.
sideline                   = {  94990, 450378, 1 }, -- When Sentinel starts dealing damage, the target is snared by 40% for 3 sec.
smoke_screen               = {  94959, 430709, 1 }, -- Exhilaration grants you 3 sec of Survival of the Fittest. Survival of the Fittest activates Exhilaration at 50% effectiveness.
symphonic_arsenal          = {  94965, 450383, 1 }, -- Multi-Shot and Butchery discharge arcane energy from all targets affected by your Sentinel, dealing 17,200 Arcane damage to up to 5 targets within 8 yds of your Sentinel targets.
withering_fire             = {  94993, 430715, 1 }, -- When Black Arrow resets the cooldown of Barbed Shot or Aimed Shot, a barrage of dark arrows will strike your target for Shadow damage and increase the damage you and your pets deal by 10% for 6 sec.

} )

-- PvP Talents
spec:RegisterPvpTalents( {
chimaeral_sting = 3609, -- (356719) Stings the target, dealing 69,420 Nature damage and initiating a series of venoms. Each lasts 3 sec and applies the next effect after the previous one ends. Scorpid Venom: 90% reduced movement speed. Spider Venom: Silenced. Viper Venom: 20% reduced damage and healing.
diamond_ice = 686, -- (203340)
hunting_pack = 661, -- (203235)
interlope = 5532, -- (248518) Misdirection now causes the next 3 hostile spells cast on your target within 10 sec to be redirected to your pet, but its cooldown is increased by 15 sec. Your pet must be within 20 yards of the target for spells to be redirected.
mending_bandage = 662, -- (212640) Instantly clears all bleeds, poisons, and diseases from the target, and heals for 18% damage over 6 sec. Being attacked will stop you from using Mending Bandage.
sticky_tar_bomb = 664, -- (407028) Throw a Sticky Tar Bomb that coats your target's weapons with tar, disarming them for 4 sec. After 4 sec, Sticky Tar Bomb explodes onto nearby enemies. Other enemies that are hit by the explosion are affected by Sticky Tar Bomb but this effect cannot spread further.
survival_tactics = 3607, -- (202746)
trackers_net = 665, -- (212638) Hurl a net at your enemy, rooting them for 6 sec. While within the net, the target's chance to hit is reduced by 80%. Any damage will break the net.
wild_kingdom = 5443, -- (356707) Call in help from one of your dismissed Cunning pets for 10 sec. Your current pet is dismissed to rest and heal 30% of maximum health.
} )

-- Auras
spec:RegisterAuras( {
coordinated_assault = {
id = 360952,
dodge = {
id = 81,
fury_of_the_eagle = {
id = 203415,
turtles_shell = {
id = 77,
wild_kingdom = {
id = 356707,
} )

-- Abilities
spec:RegisterAbilities( {
-- Automatically shoots the target until cancelled.
auto_shot = {
id = 75,
cast = 0,
cooldown = 0,
gcd = "off",

    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132369,
    handler = function ()
-- Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yds for 10 sec, stunning them for 3 sec if they move more than 5 yds from the arrow.
binding_shot = {
    id = 109248,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 45,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "binding_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 462650,
    handler = function ()
-- Fire a Black Arrow into your target, dealing 452,077 Shadow damage over 18 sec. Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a 10% chance to generate a charge of Barbed Shot or Aimed Shot.
black_arrow = {
    id = 430703,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 10,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "black_arrow",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 5927620,
    handler = function ()
-- Fires an explosion of bolts at all enemies in front of you, knocking them back, snaring them by 50% for 6 sec, and dealing 2,699 Physical damage.
bursting_shot = {
    id = 186387,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 10,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "bursting_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1376038,
    handler = function ()
-- Attack all nearby enemies in a flurry of strikes, inflicting 103,610 Physical damage to each. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
butchery = {
    id = 212436,
    cast = 0,
    charges = 3,
    cooldown = 9,
    recharge = 9,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 30,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "butchery",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 999948,
    handler = function ()
-- You and your pet blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for 1 min. While camouflaged, you will heal for 2% of maximum health every 1 sec.
camouflage = {
    id = 199483,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "off",
    talent = "camouflage",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 461113,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Forms icy chains around the enemy, locking the target in place for 6 sec.
chains_of_ice = {
    id = 113,
    cast = 1.5,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 20,
    spendType = "mana",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 135834,
    handler = function ()
-- Charge to an enemy, dealing 9,718 Physical damage, rooting it for 1 sec. Generates 20 Rage.
charge = {
    id = 100,
    cast = 0,
    charges = 1,
    cooldown = 20,
    recharge = 20,
    gcd = "off",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132337,
    handler = function ()
-- Stings the target, dealing 69,420 Nature damage and initiating a series of venoms. Each lasts 3 sec and applies the next effect after the previous one ends.  Scorpid Venom: 90% reduced movement speed.  Spider Venom: Silenced.  Viper Venom: 20% reduced damage and healing.
chimaeral_sting = {
    id = 356719,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "spell",
    pvptalent = "chimaeral_sting",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132211,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Steady Shot will increase the duration of Concussive Shot on the target by 3.0 sec.
concussive_shot = {
    id = 5116,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 5,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "concussive_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 135860,
    handler = function ()
-- Targets in a cone in front of you take 6,410 Frost damage and have movement slowed by 70% for 5 sec.
cone_of_cold = {
    id = 120,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 12,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 0.04,
    spendType = "mana",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 135852,
    handler = function ()
-- You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for a combined 163,810 Physical damage. You and your pet's bond is then strengthened for 20 sec, causing you and your pet to deal 20% increased damage. While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Command's chance to reset its cooldown is increased by 15%.
coordinated_assault = {
    id = 360952,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 120,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "coordinated_assault",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 2032587,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Increases the damage of your next melee swing by 100 and causes the target to bleed
dismember = {
    id = 96,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "off",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132090,
    handler = function ()
-- Fires an explosive shot at your target. After 3 sec, the shot will explode, dealing 202,711 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
explosive_shot = {
    id = 212431,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 20,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "explosive_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 236178,
    handler = function ()
-- You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of 205,428 Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike and Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
flanking_strike = {
    id = 269751,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 15,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "flanking_strike",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 236184,
    handler = function ()
-- Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing 15,812 Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
frostbolt = {
    id = 116,
    cast = 2,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 0.02,
    spendType = "mana",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 135846,
    handler = function ()
-- Furiously strikes all enemies in front of you, dealing 583,728 Physical damage over 3.6 sec. Critical strike chance increased by 50% against any target below 20% health. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kill Command cooldown resets reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle by 3.0 sec.
fury_of_the_eagle = {
    id = 203415,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 45,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "fury_of_the_eagle",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1239829,
    handler = function ()
-- Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing 26,532 Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
high_explosive_trap = {
    id = 236776,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 40,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "high_explosive_trap",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 135826,
    handler = function ()
-- Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing 26,532 Fire damage and knocking all enemies up. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
implosive_trap = {
    id = 462031,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "implosive_trap",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1044088,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Shift into Bear Form and invoke the spirit of Ursol to let loose a deafening roar, incapacitating all enemies within 10 yards for 3 sec. Damage will cancel the effect.
incapacitating_roar = {
    id = 99,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132121,
    handler = function ()
-- Intimidate the target, stunning it for 5 sec.
intimidation = {
    id = 19577,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "intimidation",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132111,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal 75,492 Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 20% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Generates 15 Focus.
kill_command = {
    id = 259489,
    cast = 0,
    charges = 2,
    cooldown = 6,
    recharge = 6,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "kill_command",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132176,
    handler = function ()
-- You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing 245,715 Physical damage. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health.
kill_shot = {
    id = 320976,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 10,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 10,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "kill_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 236174,
    handler = function ()
mending_bandage = {
    id = 212640,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 25,
    gcd = "spell",
    pvptalent = "mending_bandage",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1014022,
    handler = function ()
-- Misdirects all threat you cause to the targeted party or raid member, beginning with your next attack within 30 sec and lasting for 8 sec.
misdirection = {
    id = 34477,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "off",
    talent = "misdirection",
    startsCombat = false,
    texture = 132180,
    handler = function ()
-- A brutal attack that deals 131,376 Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury. Mongoose Fury Increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% and the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times.
mongoose_bite = {
    id = 259387,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 30,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "mongoose_bite",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1376044,
    handler = function ()
-- Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
muzzle = {
    id = 187707,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 15,
    gcd = "off",
    talent = "muzzle",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1376045,
    handler = function ()
-- Transforms the enemy into a sheep, wandering around incapacitated for 1 min. While affected, the victim cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters.
polymorph = {
    id = 118,
    cast = 1.7,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 0.04,
    spendType = "mana",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 136071,
    handler = function ()
-- A vicious slash dealing 161,046 Physical damage.
raptor_strike = {
    id = 186270,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 30,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "raptor_strike",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1376044,
    handler = function ()
-- Instructs your pet to protect a friendly target from critical strikes, making attacks against that target unable to be critical strikes, but 10% of all damage taken by that target is also taken by the pet. Lasts 12 sec.
roar_of_sacrifice = {
    id = 53480,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "off",
    talent = "roar_of_sacrifice",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 464604,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be feared at a time.
scare_beast = {
    id = 1513,
    cast = 1.5,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 25,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "scare_beast",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132118,
    handler = function ()
-- A short-range shot that deals 2,065 damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and incapacitates the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used.
scatter_shot = {
    id = 213691,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "scatter_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 132153,
    handler = function ()
-- You give the signal, and your pet charges your target, bleeding them for 168,929 damage over 10 sec and increasing your chance to critically strike your target by 30% for 10 sec.
spearhead = {
    id = 360966,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 90,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "spearhead",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 4667416,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
sticky_tar_bomb = {
    id = 407028,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 45,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 0.02,
    spendType = "mana",
    pvptalent = "sticky_tar_bomb",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 5094557,
    handler = function ()
-- Reduces all damage you and your pet take by 30% for 8 sec.
survival_of_the_fittest = {
    id = 264735,
    cast = 0,
    charges = 2,
    cooldown = 90,
    recharge = 90,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "survival_of_the_fittest",
    startsCombat = false,
    texture = 136094,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
tar_trap = {
    id = 187698,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 30,
    gcd = "spell",
    talent = "tar_trap",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 576309,
    handler = function ()
trackers_net = {
    id = 212638,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 25,
    gcd = "spell",
    pvptalent = "trackers_net",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 1412207,
    handler = function ()
-- Removes 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target. Successfully dispelling an effect generates 10 Focus.
tranquilizing_shot = {
    id = 19801,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 10,
    gcd = "totem",
    talent = "tranquilizing_shot",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 136020,
    handler = function ()
turtles_shell = {
    id = 77,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 0,
    gcd = "off",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 136243,
    handler = function ()
-- Call in help from one of your dismissed Cunning pets for 10 sec. Your current pet is dismissed to rest and heal 30% of maximum health.
wild_kingdom = {
    id = 356707,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 60,
    gcd = "spell",
    pvptalent = "wild_kingdom",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 236159,
    toggle = "cooldowns",

    handler = function ()
-- Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for 85,808 Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for 79,653 Fire damage over 6 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Deals 80% increased damage to your primary target.
wildfire_bomb = {
    id = 259495,
    cast = 0,
    charges = 2,
    cooldown = 18,
    recharge = 18,
    gcd = "spell",
    spend = 10,
    spendType = "focus",
    talent = "wildfire_bomb",
    startsCombat = true,
    texture = 2065634,
    handler = function ()

} )

spec:RegisterPriority( "Survival", 20240824,
-- Notes

-- Priority

]] )


This has been fixed on the newest version
