Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Crimson Tempest not being recommended correctly in AOE opener

OppYchan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Describe the Issue

Crimson Tempest should be recommended before going into your Deathmark cd in AOE but its telling you to envenom first. Thank you for taking a look.

How to Reproduce

Get full combo points in AOE with slice and dice after getting full rupture and garrot up. You need your dps cds up (Deathmark and Kingsbane)

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

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The class theorycrafters disagree with you (2 out of the 3 possible openers do deathmark before crimson tempest)


Additionally, the same line that is blocking crimson tempest is the same line that is in the raidbots script, deathmark can't be ready (aka, cast deathmark first).

        The action (crimson_tempest) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 30 energy (have 300).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( aoe_dot ) called from ( Assassination:default:13 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        ! variable.single_target[false]
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[5.00] >= 3 & variable.dot_finisher_condition[true] & refreshable[true] & ! cooldown.deathmark.ready[true] & target.time_to_die[636.00] - remains[0.00] > 6

This line can be found in the current sim for Assassination Rogue: https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc/blob/thewarwithin/ActionPriorityLists/rogue_assassination.simc


Ok, well the guides and the class discord show about 5 different openers for that build, and the addon is doing the one the sim does.

Do a 5 target quick sim of yourself and post it.


Things might have changed. I am using this from wowhead from whispyrs guide.

Its still recommending Envenom before crimson tempest and KB. The above is fine but rotation recommendation is not doing the above rotation. This snapshot should still show that.

Thank you for looking at it!


Sim your character for comparison.