Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Vengeance DH Fel Scarred Abilities

Konnartist opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

Vengeance DH fel scarred abilities do not show up on the 'Abilities' list for Hekili which affects the addons recommended rotation abilities/accuracy. A big example is after casting Metamorphosis, you will get recommended to cast the hero talent version of fel devastation called fel desolation -- the addon keeps recommending fel desolation after casting cause its going off of fel devastations cooldown instead of fel desolation.
Fel Desolation Hekili

How to Reproduce

  1. Play fel scarred vengeance DH
  2. go to training dummy and drop sigil of flame, immolation aura, and fiery brand
  3. cast metamorphosis
  4. cast improved version of fel devastation -- fel desolation
  5. addon keeps recommending fel desolation even though its on CD

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)


Additional Information

Spell IDs for Fel Scarred empowered abilities --
Fel Desolation -- 452486
Consuming Fire - 452487
Spirit Burst -- 452437
Sigil of Doom -- 452490
Soul Sunder -- 452436

Contact Information

No response


As you can see by your snapshot and screenshot, it is recommending the regular Fel Devastation, not Fel Desolation. I checked and this is written exactly the same way in the sims.


Yes but you cannot cast fel devastation after casting metamorphosis because fel scarred hero talent changes fel devastation to fel desolation. All of the fel scarred meta empowered abilities are not loaded into Hekili to be recognized


Yes but you cannot cast fel devastation after casting metamorphosis because fel scarred hero talent changes fel devastation to fel desolation. All of the fel scarred meta empowered abilities are not loaded into Hekili to be recognized

That is why you need to cancel meta, did you not receive the recommendation to cancel meta with a little X?

See: #3574 (comment)


So you cancel meta before spending the rest of your empowered abilities?


You'd have to check the class discord on that. I just know people keep submitting tickets about Fel Dev/Fel Desolation, but it's working as intended. You cancel Meta then use Fel Dev.


Didn't want to open a new issue, but the issue to me is that the keybinds are not shown for the Fel-Scarred abilities in the icon.


The Fel-Scarred abilities have different spell IDs, defining them manually fixes the issue. I tried to make the id dynamic through the function by detecting if metamorphosis/demonsurge is up and talented to use the right spell ID but couldn't get it to work.


Didn't want to open a new issue, but the issue to me is that the keybinds are not shown for the Fel-Scarred abilities in the icon.



Nevermind, here's a fix:

soul_cleave = { id = function () if talent.demonsurge.enabled and buff.metamorphosis.up then return 452436 end return 228477 end, --id = 228477,

spirit_bomb = { --id = 247454, id = function () if talent.demonsurge.enabled and buff.metamorphosis.up then return 452437 end return 247454 end,

fel_devastation = { id = function () if talent.demonic_intensity.enabled and buff.metamorphosis.up then return 452486 end return 212084 end, --id = 212084,


Proposed via pull request
