Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Templar Prot Paladin not recommending using Hammer Of Light

Brickasaurus opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

For my Templar Protection Paladin, I am at 3 Holy Power after pressing Eye Of Tyr while you can use Hammer Of Light and is not being recommended when available.

How to Reproduce

  1. Use intro for Prot Paladin on 3 training dummies in Dornogal
  2. Ie. Avenging Wrath
  3. Divine Toll
  4. Eye of Tyr
  5. Should now be at 3 stacks of Holy power and Hammer of Light is now available and ready to use but is not recommended during this situation or through any testing through dungeons

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information


Contact Information

Discord: brickker



Here is raidbots sim report- forgot to include


Hammer of light costs 5 holy power, not 3?


Sorry I am confused if it is optimal to use hammer of light with 5 holy power as it is available for me to use with 3. I am not well aware of optimal Rotation usage but it does seem that it does not get used. I will attach screenshot. Thank you so much
Hammer of Light


Oh, my bad. Something must be reducing the cost as the talent tooltip on wowhead said 5.


I see that it states on the Templar UI that it costs 5 holy power which is strange that it allows you to use it with 3 holy power, maybe this is just a bug ingame and not hekili. Its all good I am trying to figure out what is going on myself I appreciate the response.
Hammer 2


For Ret it costs 5 Holy Power, for Prot it costs 3.

the talent tooltip on wowhead said 5.

This is the actual spell, it says 3: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=427453/hammer-of-light
So the talent is wrong for Prot and the spell is wrong for Ret ๐Ÿ˜ (At least on WowHead. The spell tooltip is correct ingame.)


I don't seem to be getting a Hammer of Light recommendation either but I don't think it's to do with Holy Power.


build: v11.0.2-1.0.6b
level: 80 (80)
class: PALADIN
spec: protection

    ardent_defender = 1/1
    auras_of_the_resolute = 1/1
    avengers_shield = 1/1
    avenging_wrath = 1/1
    avenging_wrath_might = 1/1
    barricade_of_faith = 1/1
    bastion_of_light = 1/1
    blessed_hammer = 1/1
    blessing_of_freedom = 1/1
    blessing_of_protection = 1/1
    blessing_of_spellwarding = 1/1
    bulwark_of_order = 1/1
    bulwark_of_righteous_fury = 1/1
    cavalier = 1/1
    cleanse_toxins = 1/1
    consecration_in_flame = 1/1
    crusaders_judgment = 1/1
    divine_purpose = 1/1
    divine_steed = 1/1
    divine_toll = 1/1
    endless_wrath = 1/1
    eye_of_tyr = 1/1
    ferren_marcuss_fervor = 2/2
    focused_enmity = 1/1
    grand_crusader = 1/1
    greater_judgment = 1/1
    guardian_of_ancient_kings = 1/1
    hammer_of_wrath = 1/1
    hammerfall = 1/1
    higher_calling = 1/1
    holy_aegis = 2/2
    holy_shield = 1/1
    inmost_light = 1/1
    justification = 1/1
    lay_on_hands = 1/1
    lights_deliverance = 1/1
    lights_guidance = 1/1
    obduracy = 1/1
    of_dusk_and_dawn = 1/1
    punishment = 1/1
    rebuke = 1/1
    redoubt = 1/1
    relentless_inquisitor = 1/1
    righteous_protector = 1/1
    sacrosanct_crusade = 1/1
    sanctified_plates = 2/2
    sanctified_wrath = 1/1
    sanctuary = 1/1
    seal_of_alacrity = 2/2
    seal_of_might = 2/2
    seal_of_order = 1/1
    seal_of_reprisal = 1/1
    seal_of_the_crusader = 2/2
    seasoned_warhorse = 1/1
    shake_the_heavens = 1/1
    shining_light = 1/1
    soaring_shield = 1/1
    strength_in_adversity = 1/1
    templar = 1/1
    touch_of_light = 1/1
    tyrs_enforcer = 2/2
    unbound_freedom = 1/1
    unbreakable_spirit = 1/1
    undisputed_ruling = 1/1
    unrelenting_charger = 1/1
    wrathful_descent = 1/1
    zealots_paragon = 1/1
    zealous_vindication = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [nadjia_the_mistblade]

sets: none

gear: arakara_sacbrood = 1
    arathi_hatchet = 1
    devoted_plate_walkers = 1
    earthforged_cuffs = 1
    earthforged_handguards = 1
    elementattuned_pendant = 1
    expeditionary_bulwark = 1
    experimental_goresilk_chestguard = 1
    flesh_connectors_epaulets = 1
    nerubian_pheromone_secreter = 1
    olden_signet = 1
    radiant_necromancers_band = 1
    secretdredgers_helm = 1
    serape_of_the_stygian_sea = 1
    shield = 1
    stalwart_girdle = 1
    thunderclad_legguards = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 211029, 211052, 217894, 219185, 219314, 221034, 221123, 221161, 221185, 221200, 223435, 224619, 224622, 224623, 224629, 224635

settings: aoe = 3
    combatRefresh = 0.25
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = false
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = false
    damageExpiration = 8
    damageOnScreen = true
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    enabled = true
    gcdSync = true
    maxTime = 20
    nameplateRange = 10
    nameplates = true
    noFeignedCooldown = false
    package = Protection Paladin
    petbased = false
    potion = phantom_fire
    rangeFilter = false
    regularRefresh = 0.5
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    ds_damage = 60
    goak_damage = 40
    sentinel_def = false
    wog_health = 40

toggles: cooldowns = true 
    custom1 = false 
    custom2 = false 
    defensives = true 
    essences = true [overridden]
    funnel = false 
    interrupts = true 
    mode = automatic 
    potions = false 

    arcane_torrent            = F3  [03]
    ardent_defender           = 1   [01]
    avengers_shield           = F   [01]
    avenging_wrath            = 6   [01]
    bastion_of_light          = 4   [01]
    blessed_hammer            = R   [01]
    blessing_of_freedom       = C2  [03]
    blessing_of_protection    = F   [02], F4  [03]
    blessing_of_sacrifice     = S2  [03]
    blinding_light            = C1  [03]
    cleanse_toxins            = C4  [03]
    consecration              = T   [01]
    decoration_of_flame       = SR  [06]
    divine_shield             = T   [02], S1  [03]
    divine_steed              = F1  [03]
    divine_toll               = F2  [03]
    eye_of_tyr                =
    flash_of_light            = SA  [05], R   [07]
    guardian_of_ancient_kings = 2   [01]
    hammer_of_justice         = S3  [03], E   [07]
    hammer_of_light           = 5   [01]
    hammer_of_wrath           = V   [01]
    hand_of_reckoning         = G   [06]
    healthstone               = CR  [06], T   [10]
    intercession              = S4  [03]
    judgment                  = Q   [01]
    lay_on_hands              = R   [02], C3  [03]
    rebuke                    = SG  [06]
    shield_of_the_righteous   = E   [01]
    wake_of_ashes             = 5   [01]
    word_of_glory             = SF  [05]

warnings: none

targets:  Nameplates are enabled.
 - Checking nameplate list for nameplate1 [ Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C4F ] PvP Training Dummy.
    nameplate1   - -1 - Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C4F - 59.00 - 10 - PvP Training Dummy 

 - Checking nameplate list for nameplate2 [ Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C51 ] PvP Training Dummy.
    nameplate2   -  4 - Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C51 - 146.00 - 10 - PvP Training Dummy 

 - Checking nameplate list for nameplate3 [ Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C50 ] PvP Training Dummy.
    nameplate3   -  4 - Creature-0-4217-2552-30303-219250-0000547C50 - 120.00 - 10 - PvP Training Dummy 

      465 - devotion_aura                            -   1 - 3600.00
   383389 - relentless_inquisitor                    -   3 - 0.14  
   327510 - shining_light_free                       -   2 - 6.92  
   393038 - strength_in_adversity                    -   1 - 0.19  
   452146 - *egg_sac                                 -   2 - 56.54 
   182104 - shining_light                            -   2 - 18.14 
   188370 - consecration_strength_of_conviction      -   1 - 3600.00
   385127 - blessing_of_dawn                         -   2 - 17.73 
   461867 - *sacrosanct_crusade                      -   1 - 7.73  



   387174 - eye_of_tyr                               -   1 - 3.73  
   204301 - blessed_hammer                           -   1 - 5.65  
   197277 - judgment                                 -   2 - 7.76  
   204242 - consecration_dot                         -   1 - 5.36  

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 09:50:12 ( 528330.48 ); using built-in ( Protection Paladin ) priority.
*** START OF NEW DISPLAY: Primary ***
Purged 593 marked values in 0.15ms.

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: holy_power[ 5.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 2500000.00 / 2500000.00 ]
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3598.28 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[1] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[2] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   rebuke ( default - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 2 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        11.  potion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
        Time spent on this action:  0.36ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-3:potion:0.36:Ability Known, Enabled(0.36)
        12.  moment_of_glory ( cooldowns - 4 ) - talent [ moment_of_glory ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-4:moment_of_glory:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        13.  divine_toll ( cooldowns - 5 )
        The action is not ready ( 16.06 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-5:divine_toll:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        14.  bastion_of_light ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 73.90 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-6:bastion_of_light:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        15.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        16.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 3 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        17.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 1 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-1:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        18.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-2:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting trinkets with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        19.  call_action_list:standard ( default - 4 )
        There is no criteria for standard.
        Action list (standard) was found.
        + standard
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        20.  call_action_list:hammer_of_light ( standard - 1 )
        Time-sensitive Criteria FAIL at +0.00 with no valid rechecks - talent.lights_guidance.enabled[true] & ( cooldown.eye_of_tyr.remains[42.70] < 2 | buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up[false] ) & ( ! talent.redoubt.enabled[true] | buff.redoubt.stack[0.00] >= 2 | ! talent.bastion_of_light.enabled[true] ) & talent.of_dusk_and_dawn.enabled[true]
        21.  hammer_of_light ( standard - 2 )
        The action (hammer_of_light) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because required buff (hammer_of_light) not active.
        Time spent on this action:  0.09ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-2:hammer_of_light:0.09:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.04):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.02)
        22.  shield_of_the_righteous ( standard - 3 )
        The action (shield_of_the_righteous) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 3 holy_power (have 5).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: ( ( ( ! talent.righteous_protector.enabled[true] | cooldown.righteous_protector_icd.remains[0.00] = 0 ) & holy_power.current[5.00] > 2 ) | buff.bastion_of_light.up[false] | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] ) & ! ( ( buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up[false] | buff.hammer_of_light_free.up[false] ) )
        Action chosen:  shield_of_the_righteous at 0.00!
        Exiting standard with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (standard), current recommendation is shield_of_the_righteous (+0.00).
        - standard
        Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Recommendation is shield_of_the_righteous at 0.00 + 0.00.
    Recommendation #1 is shield_of_the_righteous at 0.00s (0.00s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: holy_power[ 2.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 2500000.00 / 2500000.00 ]
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3598.28 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[1] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-5:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[2] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   rebuke ( default - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 2 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        11.  potion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
        Time spent on this action:  0.38ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-3:potion:0.38:Ability Known, Enabled(0.38)
        12.  moment_of_glory ( cooldowns - 4 ) - talent [ moment_of_glory ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-4:moment_of_glory:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        13.  divine_toll ( cooldowns - 5 )
        The action is not ready ( 16.06 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-5:divine_toll:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        14.  bastion_of_light ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 73.90 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-6:bastion_of_light:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        15.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        16.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 3 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        17.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 1 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-1:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        18.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-2:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting trinkets with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        19.  call_action_list:standard ( default - 4 )
        There is no criteria for standard.
        Action list (standard) was found.
        + standard
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        20.  call_action_list:hammer_of_light ( standard - 1 )
        Time-sensitive Criteria FAIL at +0.00 with no valid rechecks - talent.lights_guidance.enabled[true] & ( cooldown.eye_of_tyr.remains[42.70] < 2 | buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up[false] ) & ( ! talent.redoubt.enabled[true] | buff.redoubt.stack[3.00] >= 2 | ! talent.bastion_of_light.enabled[true] ) & talent.of_dusk_and_dawn.enabled[true]
        21.  hammer_of_light ( standard - 2 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-2:hammer_of_light:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        22.  shield_of_the_righteous ( standard - 3 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-3:shield_of_the_righteous:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        23.  holy_armaments ( standard - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.05ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-4:holy_armaments:0.05:Ability Known, Enabled(0.05)
        24.  judgment ( standard - 5 )
        The action (judgment) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 75000 mana (have 2500000).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[3.00] > 3 & buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack[0.00] >= 3 & holy_power.current[2.00] < 3
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 7.76.
        Recheck #1 ( +7.76 ) NOT MET: spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[3.00] > 3 & buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack[0.00] >= 3 & holy_power.current[2.00] < 3
        Time spent on this action:  0.24ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-5:judgment:0.24:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.08):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.03):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.00):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.02):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        25.  avengers_shield ( standard - 6 )
        The action (avengers_shield) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: ! buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.up[false] & talent.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.enabled[true] & spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[3.00] >= 3
        Action chosen:  avengers_shield at 0.00!
        Exiting standard with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (standard), current recommendation is avengers_shield (+0.00).
        - standard
        Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Recommendation is avengers_shield at 0.00 + 0.00.
    Recommendation #2 is avengers_shield at 0.00s (0.00s).

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.33, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: holy_power[ 2.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 2500000.00 / 2500000.00 ]
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3598.28 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.01:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[1] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-5:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_sync_slot[2] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-6:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   rebuke ( default - 1 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 2 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        11.  potion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
        Time spent on this action:  0.34ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-3:potion:0.34:Ability Known, Enabled(0.34)
        12.  moment_of_glory ( cooldowns - 4 ) - talent [ moment_of_glory ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-4:moment_of_glory:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        13.  divine_toll ( cooldowns - 5 )
        The action is not ready ( 16.06 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-5:divine_toll:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        14.  bastion_of_light ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 73.90 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-6:bastion_of_light:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        15.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        16.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 3 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        17.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 1 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-1:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        18.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-2:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Exiting trinkets with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        19.  call_action_list:standard ( default - 4 )
        There is no criteria for standard.
        Action list (standard) was found.
        + standard
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        20.  call_action_list:hammer_of_light ( standard - 1 )
        Time-sensitive Criteria FAIL at +0.00 with no valid rechecks - talent.lights_guidance.enabled[true] & ( cooldown.eye_of_tyr.remains[42.70] < 2 | buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up[false] ) & ( ! talent.redoubt.enabled[true] | buff.redoubt.stack[3.00] >= 2 | ! talent.bastion_of_light.enabled[true] ) & talent.of_dusk_and_dawn.enabled[true]
        21.  hammer_of_light ( standard - 2 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-2:hammer_of_light:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        22.  shield_of_the_righteous ( standard - 3 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-3:shield_of_the_righteous:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        23.  holy_armaments ( standard - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-4:holy_armaments:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        24.  judgment ( standard - 5 )
        The action (judgment) is usable at (0.00 + 1.33) with cost of 75000 mana (have 2500000).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.33 vs. +10.00).
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.33.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[3.00] > 3 & buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack[0.00] >= 3 & holy_power.current[2.00] < 3
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 7.76.
        Recheck #1 ( +7.76 ) NOT MET: spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[3.00] > 3 & buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack[0.00] >= 3 & holy_power.current[2.00] < 3
        Time spent on this action:  0.14ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-5:judgment:0.14:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.00):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.01):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        25.  avengers_shield ( standard - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 15.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-6:avengers_shield:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        26.  hammer_of_wrath ( standard - 7 )
        The action (hammer_of_wrath) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because requires low health, avenging_wrath, or ashen_hallow.
        Time spent on this action:  0.16ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-7:hammer_of_wrath:0.16:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.05):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.10)
        27.  judgment ( standard - 8 )
        The action (judgment) is usable at (0.00 + 1.33) with cost of 75000 mana (have 2500000).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.33 vs. +10.00).
        List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.33.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: charges[2.00] >= 2 | full_recharge_time[0.00] <= gcd.max[1.33]
        Action chosen:  judgment at 1.33!
        Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
        TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-8:judgment:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.05):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
        Only off-GCD abilities would be usable before the currently selected ability; skipping...
        The recommended action (judgment) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (standard).
        Exiting standard with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        Returned from list (standard), current recommendation is judgment (+1.33).
        - standard
        Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Recommendation is judgment at 0.00 + 1.33.
    Recommendation #3 is judgment at 1.33s (1.33s).
    Time spent generating recommendations:  6.96ms

It seems to be looking for some buff named "Hammer of Light" which I can't seem to find - not sure if this is something internal to Hekili. At this point in my snapshot I had opened combat on 3 target dummies and used Eye of Tyr. Even with one target I should be getting a recommendation for Hammer of Light at this point.


Should be resolved in 1.0.7