Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Spellslinger AOE - One Arcane Blast not being recommended during AOE after Touch of the Magi

ambonif opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

During AOE, the rotation is supposed to recommend one Arcane Blast during Touch of the Magi, for some reason this is failing. I checked the code and it looks like it should work based on the handling function, but in the snapshot, it keeps detecting debuff.magis_spark_arcane_blast.up as false, despite Arcane Blast not yet being cast to consume it.

How to Reproduce

Run the rotation with 3+ target dummies, cast Touch of the Magi on a primary target.

Failure is at:

    35.  arcane_blast ( spellslinger_aoe - 5 )
    The action (arcane_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 24226 mana (have 336157).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( spellslinger_aoe ) called from ( Arcane:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    active_enemies[5.00] >= ( variable.aoe_target_count[3.00] + talent.impetus.enabled[true] ) & ! talent.spellfire_spheres.enabled[false]
     **- this entry's criteria FAILS: ( debuff.magis_spark_arcane_blast.up[false] & time[148.32] - action.arcane_blast.last_used[10.99] > 0.015 )**
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.10ms
    TimeData:Arcane-spellslinger_aoe-5:arcane_blast:0.10:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

Tried to troubleshoot it myself but can't figure it out. I tried changing the SpellID of Touch of the Magi debuff to what I see in game, but it still doesn't work.

Contact Information

No response


debuff.magis_spark_arcane_blast.up should be [true] since the handler function that's supposed to remove the magis_spark_arcane_blast "debuff" hasn't been triggered yet from here:

touch_of_the_magi = {
    id = 321507,
    cast = 0,
    cooldown = 45,
    gcd = "off",
    school = "arcane",

    spend = 0.05,
    spendType = "mana",

    talent = "touch_of_the_magi",
    startsCombat = true,

    handler = function ()
        applyDebuff( "target", "touch_of_the_magi" )
        if talent.nether_munitions.enabled then
            state:QueueAuraEvent( "touch_of_the_magi", NetherMunitions, debuff.touch_of_the_magi.expires, "AURA_EXPIRATION" )
        if talent.magis_spark.enabled then
            applyDebuff( "target", "magis_spark" )
            applyDebuff( "target", "magis_spark_arcane_barrage" )
            applyDebuff( "target", "magis_spark_arcane_blast" )
            applyDebuff( "target", "magis_spark_arcane_missiles" )
        gain( 4, "arcane_charges" )

Can you take a snapshot when magis_spark_arcane_blast is applied?


nvm, I think I have a fix for this in 1.0.7


If it matters, @Hekili, this didn't seem to fix it. It doesn't look like Touch of the Magi is still applying the debuff.