Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Wrong abilities showing for rotation.

ipell625 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



1.  Check to see if you are using the latest version of the addon.  If there is a newer alpha/beta/release version, see if your problem exists with the new version.

2.  Check to see if someone else has already opened an issue report here.  Please don't submit repeat reports.

Describe the Bug/Issue
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Go to '...'
  • Click on '....'
  • Scroll down to '....'
  • See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Please provide the following information.  Leaving it out may result in your ticket being ignored (because I won't have the information needed to explore your report).

1.  The information from the Issue Reporting tab ( /hekili > Issue Reporting ).  This provides your talent and gear information.  You can paste it to pastebin.com and provide a link here.


2.  If reporting a disagreement with the addon's recommendations, please take a snapshot when you observe the issue and provide the snapshot.  This is not a screenshot.  A snapshot can be generated by binding the Pause feature on the Toggles tab.  When you press Pause, a snapshot of how the addon decided on its CURRENT recommendations is generated and saved to the Snapshots tab.  Copy and paste this to pastebin.com and provide the link here.
**PUT SNAPSHOT LINK HERE:**Click here and press CTRL+A, CTRL+C to copy the snapshot.

build: v8.3.0-04-22.04
level: 120 (120)
class: MAGE
spec: fire

talents: conflagration

azerite: azerite_empowered = 1
blaster_master = 1
overwhelming_power = 1
quick_thinking = 1

essences: [the_crucible_of_flame] = 1, none

sets/legendaries/artifacts: none

gear: ancient_bloodmoon_cloak = 1
heart_of_azeroth = 1
swift_hand_of_justice = 1
tattered_dreadmist_mask = 1
tattered_dreadmist_robe = 1

corruptions: none

itemIDs: 109074, 109766, 109845, 109865, 116765, 122250, 122262, 122361, 122384, 155024, 158075, 160261, 163886, 170519

settings: aoe = 3
buffPadding = 0
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 6
damageRange = 0
debuffPadding = 0
enabled = true
gcdSync = false
maxRefresh = 10
maxTime = 33
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = false
package = Fire
potion = superior_battle_potion_of_intellect
potionsReset = 20180919.1
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
prevent_hardcasts = true
pyroblast_pull = true
save_2_runes = true

toggles: cooldowns = true
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = true
essences = true
interrupts = true
mode = automatic
potions = true

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 13:18:49 ( 2955.54 ); using built-in ( Fire ) priority.

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: arcane_charges[ 0.00 / 4.00 ], mana[ 100000.00 / 100000.00 ]

Processing precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    1.   arcane_intellect ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3034.50 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    2.   variable ( precombat - 2 )
     - variable.combustion_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:2 ).
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.font_double_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:3 ).
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.on_use_cutoff will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:4 ).
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.hold_combustion_threshold will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:5 ).
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.hot_streak_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:6 ).
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.hard_cast_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:7 ).
    8.   variable ( precombat - 8 )
     - variable.delay_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:8 ).
    9.   variable ( precombat - 9 )
     - variable.kindling_reduction will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:9 ).
    10.  azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 10 )
    The action (azsharas_font_of_power) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    11.  mirror_image ( precombat - 11 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    12.  potion ( precombat - 12 )
    The action (potion) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because no potion found.
    13.  pyroblast ( precombat - 13 )
    The action (pyroblast) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because prevent_hardcasts is checked and player is moving.

Completed precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Fire - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    14.  counterspell ( default - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    15.  variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:2 ).
    16.  variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:3 ).
    17.  variable ( default - 4 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:4 ).
    18.  call_action_list ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (items_high_priority) was found.
    + items_high_priority
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    19.  call_action_list ( items_high_priority - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (items_combustion) was found.
    + items_high_priority, items_combustion
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    20.  ignition_mages_fuse ( items_combustion - 1 )
    The action (ignition_mages_fuse) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    21.  hyperthread_wristwraps ( items_combustion - 2 )
    The action (hyperthread_wristwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    22.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_combustion - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    23.  cancel_buff ( items_combustion - 4 )
    The action (cancel_buff) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because required buff (manifesto_of_madness_chapter_one) not active.
    24.  azurethos_singed_plumage ( items_combustion - 5 )
    The action (azurethos_singed_plumage) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    25.  gladiators_badge ( items_combustion - 6 )
    The action (gladiators_badge) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    26.  gladiators_medallion ( items_combustion - 7 )
    The action (gladiators_medallion) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    27.  balefire_branch ( items_combustion - 8 )
    The action (balefire_branch) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    28.  shockbiters_fang ( items_combustion - 9 )
    The action (shockbiters_fang) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    29.  tzanes_barkspines ( items_combustion - 10 )
    The action (tzanes_barkspines) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    30.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_combustion - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    31.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_combustion - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    32.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_combustion - 13 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_combustion), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_combustion
    33.  use_items ( items_high_priority - 2 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + items_high_priority, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    34.  heart_essence ( items - 1 )
    The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items
    35.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_high_priority - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    36.  azsharas_font_of_power ( items_high_priority - 4 )
    The action (azsharas_font_of_power) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    37.  rotcrusted_voodoo_doll ( items_high_priority - 5 )
    The action (rotcrusted_voodoo_doll) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    38.  aquipotent_nautilus ( items_high_priority - 6 )
    The action (aquipotent_nautilus) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    39.  shiver_venom_relic ( items_high_priority - 7 )
    The action (shiver_venom_relic) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    40.  forbidden_obsidian_claw ( items_high_priority - 8 )
    The action (forbidden_obsidian_claw) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    41.  harmonic_dematerializer ( items_high_priority - 9 ) - item [ 167677 ] missing
    42.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_high_priority - 10 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    43.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_high_priority - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    44.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_high_priority - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_high_priority), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_high_priority
    45.  mirror_image ( default - 6 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    46.  guardian_of_azeroth ( default - 7 ) - ability unknown
    47.  concentrated_flame ( default - 8 )
    The action (concentrated_flame) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 0.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
     - this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen:  concentrated_flame at 0.00!

Completed default action list [ Fire - default ].
Recommendation is concentrated_flame at 0.00 + 0.00.
Recommendation #1 is concentrated_flame at 0.00s (0.00s).
Used 2.37ms of CPU on 1 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.33, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: arcane_charges[ 0.00 / 4.00 ], mana[ 100000.00 / 100000.00 ]

Processing precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    1.   arcane_intellect ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3034.50 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    2.   variable ( precombat - 2 )
     - variable.combustion_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:2 ).
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.font_double_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:3 ).
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.on_use_cutoff will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:4 ).
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.hold_combustion_threshold will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:5 ).
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.hot_streak_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:6 ).
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.hard_cast_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:7 ).
    8.   variable ( precombat - 8 )
     - variable.delay_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:8 ).
    9.   variable ( precombat - 9 )
     - variable.kindling_reduction will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:9 ).
    10.  azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 10 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    11.  mirror_image ( precombat - 11 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    12.  potion ( precombat - 12 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    13.  pyroblast ( precombat - 13 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.

Completed precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Fire - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    14.  counterspell ( default - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    15.  variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:2 ).
    16.  variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:3 ).
    17.  variable ( default - 4 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:4 ).
    18.  call_action_list ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (items_high_priority) was found.
    + items_high_priority
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    19.  call_action_list ( items_high_priority - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (items_combustion) was found.
    + items_high_priority, items_combustion
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    20.  ignition_mages_fuse ( items_combustion - 1 )
    The action (ignition_mages_fuse) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    21.  hyperthread_wristwraps ( items_combustion - 2 )
    The action (hyperthread_wristwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    22.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_combustion - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    23.  cancel_buff ( items_combustion - 4 )
    The action (cancel_buff) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because required buff (manifesto_of_madness_chapter_one) not active.
    24.  azurethos_singed_plumage ( items_combustion - 5 )
    The action (azurethos_singed_plumage) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    25.  gladiators_badge ( items_combustion - 6 )
    The action (gladiators_badge) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    26.  gladiators_medallion ( items_combustion - 7 )
    The action (gladiators_medallion) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    27.  balefire_branch ( items_combustion - 8 )
    The action (balefire_branch) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    28.  shockbiters_fang ( items_combustion - 9 )
    The action (shockbiters_fang) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    29.  tzanes_barkspines ( items_combustion - 10 )
    The action (tzanes_barkspines) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    30.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_combustion - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    31.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_combustion - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    32.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_combustion - 13 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_combustion), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_combustion
    33.  use_items ( items_high_priority - 2 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + items_high_priority, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    34.  heart_essence ( items - 1 )
    The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items
    35.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_high_priority - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    36.  azsharas_font_of_power ( items_high_priority - 4 )
    The action (azsharas_font_of_power) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    37.  rotcrusted_voodoo_doll ( items_high_priority - 5 )
    The action (rotcrusted_voodoo_doll) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    38.  aquipotent_nautilus ( items_high_priority - 6 )
    The action (aquipotent_nautilus) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    39.  shiver_venom_relic ( items_high_priority - 7 )
    The action (shiver_venom_relic) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    40.  forbidden_obsidian_claw ( items_high_priority - 8 )
    The action (forbidden_obsidian_claw) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    41.  harmonic_dematerializer ( items_high_priority - 9 ) - item [ 167677 ] missing
    42.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_high_priority - 10 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    43.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_high_priority - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    44.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_high_priority - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.33) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_high_priority), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_high_priority
    45.  mirror_image ( default - 6 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    46.  guardian_of_azeroth ( default - 7 ) - ability unknown
    47.  concentrated_flame ( default - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 30.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    48.  reaping_flames ( default - 9 ) - ability unknown
    49.  focused_azerite_beam ( default - 10 ) - ability unknown
    50.  purifying_blast ( default - 11 ) - ability unknown
    51.  ripple_in_space ( default - 12 ) - ability unknown
    52.  the_unbound_force ( default - 13 ) - ability unknown
    53.  rune_of_power ( default - 14 )
    The action (rune_of_power) is usable at (0.00 + 1.33) with cost of 0.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.33 vs. +60.00).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.combustion.down[true] & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > full_recharge_time[0.00] | variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > time_to_die[3600.00] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    54.  call_action_list ( default - 15 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (combustion_phase) was found.
    + combustion_phase
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    55.  lights_judgment ( combustion_phase - 1 ) - ability unknown
    56.  bag_of_tricks ( combustion_phase - 2 ) - ability unknown
    57.  living_bomb ( combustion_phase - 3 ) - ability unknown
    58.  blood_of_the_enemy ( combustion_phase - 4 ) - ability unknown
    59.  memory_of_lucid_dreams ( combustion_phase - 5 ) - ability unknown
    60.  worldvein_resonance ( combustion_phase - 6 ) - ability unknown
    61.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 7 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[3.00] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[8.87] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[true] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    62.  rune_of_power ( combustion_phase - 8 )
    The action (rune_of_power) is usable at (0.00 + 1.33) with cost of 0.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.33 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 1.33.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: buff.combustion.down[true]
    Action chosen:  rune_of_power at 1.33!
    63.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 9 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +1.33).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[true] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[false] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    64.  call_action_list ( combustion_phase - 10 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (active_talents) was found.
    + combustion_phase, active_talents
    Current recommendation was rune_of_power at +1.33s.
    65.  living_bomb ( active_talents - 1 ) - ability unknown
    66.  meteor ( active_talents - 2 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    67.  dragons_breath ( active_talents - 3 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    Returned from list (active_talents), current recommendation is rune_of_power (+1.33).
    - active_talents
    68.  combustion ( combustion_phase - 11 )
    The action (combustion) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 10000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +1.33).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ( action.meteor.in_flight[false] & action.meteor.in_flight_remains[0.00] <= 0.5 ) | action.meteor.in_flight[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] | action.scorch.executing[false] & action.scorch.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 | action.pyroblast.executing[false] & action.pyroblast.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( buff.rune_of_power.up[false] | ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    69.  potion ( combustion_phase - 12 )
    The action (potion) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because no potion found.
    70.  blood_fury ( combustion_phase - 13 ) - ability unknown
    71.  berserking ( combustion_phase - 14 ) - ability unknown
    72.  fireblood ( combustion_phase - 15 ) - ability unknown
    73.  ancestral_call ( combustion_phase - 16 ) - ability unknown
    74.  flamestrike ( combustion_phase - 17 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    75.  pyroblast ( combustion_phase - 18 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    76.  pyroblast ( combustion_phase - 19 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    77.  phoenix_flames ( combustion_phase - 20 ) - talent [ phoenix_flames ] missing
    78.  scorch ( combustion_phase - 21 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    79.  living_bomb ( combustion_phase - 22 ) - ability unknown
    80.  dragons_breath ( combustion_phase - 23 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    81.  scorch ( combustion_phase - 24 )
    The action is not ready in time ( 1.33 vs. 1.33 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
    Returned from list (combustion_phase), current recommendation is rune_of_power (+1.33).
    - combustion_phase
    82.  fire_blast ( default - 16 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +1.33).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] & azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] ) & charges[3.00] = max_charges[3.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & ! ( buff.heating_up.react[0.00] & ( buff.combustion.up[false] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] ) | target.health.pct[100.00] <= 30 & action.scorch.executing[false] ) ) & ! ( ! buff.heating_up.react[0.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & buff.combustion.down[true] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] ) )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    83.  variable ( default - 17 )
     - variable.fire_blast_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:17 ).
    84.  call_action_list ( default - 18 )
    Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - buff.rune_of_power.up[false] & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 )
    85.  variable ( default - 19 )
     - variable.phoenix_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:19 ).
    86.  fire_blast ( default - 20 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +1.33).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[0.01] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    There are 2 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[0.02] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    Recheck #2 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[0.02] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    87.  fire_blast ( default - 21 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +1.33).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There are 2 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    Recheck #2 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    88.  call_action_list ( default - 22 )
    Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0

Completed default action list [ Fire - default ].
Recommendation is rune_of_power at 0.00 + 1.33.
Recommendation #2 is rune_of_power at 1.33s (1.33s).
Advancing clock by 1.33...

*** Hot Streak (Advance) ***
    Heating Up:  0.00
    Hot Streak:  0.00

Queueing rune_of_power cast finish at 2958.21.
Queued rune_of_power from 2956.88 to 2958.21 (CAST_FINISH).
Used 10.90ms of CPU on 2 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 1.34, GCD: 1.33, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: arcane_charges[ 0.00 / 4.00 ], mana[ 100000.00 / 100000.00 ]

Queued event #1 (rune_of_power CAST_FINISH) due at 1.33; checking pre-event recommendations.

    Player is casting for 1.33 seconds.  Only abilities that can be cast while casting will be tested.

Processing precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    1.   variable ( precombat - 2 )
     - variable.combustion_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:2 ).
    2.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.font_double_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:3 ).
    3.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.on_use_cutoff will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:4 ).
    4.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.hold_combustion_threshold will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:5 ).
    5.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.hot_streak_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:6 ).
    6.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.hard_cast_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:7 ).
    7.   variable ( precombat - 8 )
     - variable.delay_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:8 ).
    8.   variable ( precombat - 9 )
     - variable.kindling_reduction will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:9 ).
    9.   potion ( precombat - 12 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.

Completed precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Fire - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    10.  variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:2 ).
    11.  variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:3 ).
    12.  variable ( default - 4 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:4 ).
    13.  call_action_list ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (items_high_priority) was found.
    + items_high_priority
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    14.  call_action_list ( items_high_priority - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +1.34 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (items_combustion) was found.
    + items_high_priority, items_combustion
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    15.  cancel_buff ( items_combustion - 4 )
    The action (cancel_buff) is unusable at (1.34 + 0.00) because required buff (manifesto_of_madness_chapter_one) not active.
    Returned from list (items_combustion), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_combustion
    16.  use_items ( items_high_priority - 2 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + items_high_priority, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items
    Returned from list (items_high_priority), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_high_priority
    17.  call_action_list ( default - 15 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +1.34 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (combustion_phase) was found.
    + combustion_phase
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    18.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 7 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[3.00] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[8.87] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[true] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    19.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 9 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[true] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[true] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[1.33] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.75.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Recheck #1 ( +0.75 ) MET: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[true] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[true] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[0.58] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    Action chosen:  fire_blast at 0.75!
    20.  call_action_list ( combustion_phase - 10 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (active_talents) was found.
    + combustion_phase, active_talents
    Current recommendation was fire_blast at +0.75s.
    Returned from list (active_talents), current recommendation is fire_blast (+0.75).
    - active_talents
    21.  combustion ( combustion_phase - 11 )
    The action (combustion) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 10000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +0.75).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ( action.meteor.in_flight[false] & action.meteor.in_flight_remains[0.00] <= 0.5 ) | action.meteor.in_flight[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] | action.scorch.executing[false] & action.scorch.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 | action.pyroblast.executing[false] & action.pyroblast.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( buff.rune_of_power.up[false] | ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    22.  potion ( combustion_phase - 12 )
    The action (potion) is unusable at (1.34 + 0.00) because no potion found.
    Returned from list (combustion_phase), current recommendation is fire_blast (+0.75).
    - combustion_phase
    23.  fire_blast ( default - 16 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +0.75).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] & azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] ) & charges[3.00] = max_charges[3.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & ! ( buff.heating_up.react[0.00] & ( buff.combustion.up[false] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] ) | target.health.pct[100.00] <= 30 & action.scorch.executing[false] ) ) & ! ( ! buff.heating_up.react[0.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & buff.combustion.down[true] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] ) )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    24.  variable ( default - 17 )
     - variable.fire_blast_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:17 ).
    25.  call_action_list ( default - 18 )
    Criteria FAIL at +1.34 - buff.rune_of_power.up[false] & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 )
    26.  variable ( default - 19 )
     - variable.phoenix_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:19 ).
    27.  fire_blast ( default - 20 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +0.75).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[1.35] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    There are 2 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[1.36] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    Recheck #2 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[1.36] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 )
    28.  fire_blast ( default - 21 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (1.34 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +0.75).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There are 2 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    Recheck #2 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: firestarter.active[false] & charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[false] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    29.  call_action_list ( default - 22 )
    Criteria FAIL at +1.34 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0

Completed default action list [ Fire - default ].
Recommendation is fire_blast at 1.34 + 0.75.
Recommendation #3 is fire_blast at 0.75s (2.09s).
Advancing clock by 0.75...

*** Hot Streak (Advance) ***
    Heating Up:  0.00
    Hot Streak:  0.00

*** HOT STREAK (Cast/Impact) ***
    Heating Up: No, 0.00
    Hot Streak: No, 0.00
    Crit: Yes, 30.71
Heating Up: Yes, 10.00
Hot Streak: No, 0.00
Used 17.01ms of CPU on 3 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #4 ( Offset: 2.09, GCD: 0.58, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: arcane_charges[ 0.00 / 4.00 ], mana[ 99000.00 / 100000.00 ]

Queued event #1 (rune_of_power CAST_FINISH) due at 0.58; checking pre-event recommendations.

    Player is casting for 0.58 seconds.  Only abilities that can be cast while casting will be tested.

Processing precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    1.   variable ( precombat - 2 )
     - variable.combustion_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:2 ).
    2.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.font_double_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:3 ).
    3.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.on_use_cutoff will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:4 ).
    4.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.hold_combustion_threshold will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:5 ).
    5.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.hot_streak_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:6 ).
    6.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.hard_cast_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:7 ).
    7.   variable ( precombat - 8 )
     - variable.delay_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:8 ).
    8.   variable ( precombat - 9 )
     - variable.kindling_reduction will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:9 ).
    9.   potion ( precombat - 12 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.

Completed precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Fire - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    10.  variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:2 ).
    11.  variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:3 ).
    12.  variable ( default - 4 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:4 ).
    13.  call_action_list ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (items_high_priority) was found.
    + items_high_priority
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    14.  call_action_list ( items_high_priority - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +2.09 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (items_combustion) was found.
    + items_high_priority, items_combustion
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    15.  cancel_buff ( items_combustion - 4 )
    The action (cancel_buff) is unusable at (2.09 + 0.00) because required buff (manifesto_of_madness_chapter_one) not active.
    Returned from list (items_combustion), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_combustion
    16.  use_items ( items_high_priority - 2 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + items_high_priority, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items
    Returned from list (items_high_priority), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_high_priority
    17.  call_action_list ( default - 15 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +2.09 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (combustion_phase) was found.
    + combustion_phase
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    18.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 7 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.09 + 0.50) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.50 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.50.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: charges[2.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[2.06] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[0.00] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.50] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[true] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[false] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    19.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 9 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.09 + 0.50) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.50 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.50.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[false] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[true] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[0.08] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    20.  call_action_list ( combustion_phase - 10 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (active_talents) was found.
    + combustion_phase, active_talents
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from list (active_talents), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - active_talents
    21.  combustion ( combustion_phase - 11 )
    The action (combustion) is usable at (2.09 + 0.00) with cost of 10000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ( action.meteor.in_flight[false] & action.meteor.in_flight_remains[0.00] <= 0.5 ) | action.meteor.in_flight[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] | action.scorch.executing[false] & action.scorch.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 | action.pyroblast.executing[false] & action.pyroblast.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.5 ) & ( buff.rune_of_power.up[false] | ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    22.  potion ( combustion_phase - 12 )
    The action (potion) is unusable at (2.09 + 0.00) because no potion found.
    Returned from list (combustion_phase), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - combustion_phase
    23.  fire_blast ( default - 16 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.09 + 0.50) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.50 vs. +60.00).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] & azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] ) & charges[2.00] = max_charges[3.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & ! ( buff.heating_up.react[1.00] & ( buff.combustion.up[false] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] ) | target.health.pct[100.00] <= 30 & action.scorch.executing[false] ) ) & ! ( ! buff.heating_up.react[1.00] & ! buff.hot_streak.react[0.00] & buff.combustion.down[true] & ( action.fireball.in_flight[false] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] ) )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    24.  variable ( default - 17 )
     - variable.fire_blast_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:17 ).
    25.  call_action_list ( default - 18 )
    Criteria FAIL at +2.09 - buff.rune_of_power.up[false] & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 )
    26.  variable ( default - 19 )
     - variable.phoenix_pooling will check this script entry ( Fire:default:19 ).
    27.  fire_blast ( default - 20 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.09 + 0.50) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.50 vs. +60.00).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[true] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[2.60] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.50] < 0.5 )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.51 ) NOT MET: ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[true] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0 ) & ( active_enemies[1.00] >= variable.hard_cast_flamestrike[99.00] & ( time[2.61] - buff.combustion.last_expire[0.00] > variable.delay_flamestrike[25.00] ) ) & ! firestarter.active[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.49] < 0.5 )
    28.  fire_blast ( default - 21 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.09 + 0.50) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.50 vs. +60.00).
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: firestarter.active[false] & charges[2.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[true] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.50] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[true] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    Recheck #1 ( +0.51 ) NOT MET: firestarter.active[false] & charges[2.00] >= 1 & ( ! variable.fire_blast_pooling[true] | buff.rune_of_power.up[false] ) & ( ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.49] < 0.5 ) & ( ! action.fireball.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[true] | action.fireball.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] | action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    29.  call_action_list ( default - 22 )
    Criteria FAIL at +2.09 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] > 0

Completed default action list [ Fire - default ].
Recommendation is NO ACTION at 2.09 + 60.00.
Time spent on event #1 PREADVANCE: 4.95ms...
No recommendation found before event #1 (rune_of_power CAST_FINISH) at 0.58; triggering event and continuing ( 2.09 ).

Advancing clock by 0.58...

*** Hot Streak (Advance) ***
    Heating Up:  10.00
    Hot Streak:  0.00

While advancing by 0.59 to 2.68, rune_of_power CAST_FINISH occurred at 2.67.

Handling rune_of_power at 2958.21 (CAST_FINISH).
Trying to remove rune_of_power CAST_FINISH from queue.
Removing 1 from queue.
Time spent on event #1 POSTADVANCE: 5.09ms...
Time spent on event #1: 5.09ms...
[ ** ] No recommendation before queued event(s), checking recommendations after 2.68.
Resources: arcane_charges[ 0.00 / 4.00 ], mana[ 100000.00 / 100000.00 ]

Processing precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    1.   arcane_intellect ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3031.82 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    2.   variable ( precombat - 2 )
     - variable.combustion_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:2 ).
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.font_double_on_use will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:3 ).
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.on_use_cutoff will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:4 ).
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.hold_combustion_threshold will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:5 ).
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.hot_streak_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:6 ).
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.hard_cast_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:7 ).
    8.   variable ( precombat - 8 )
     - variable.delay_flamestrike will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:8 ).
    9.   variable ( precombat - 9 )
     - variable.kindling_reduction will check this script entry ( Fire:precombat:9 ).
    10.  azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 10 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    11.  mirror_image ( precombat - 11 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    12.  potion ( precombat - 12 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    13.  pyroblast ( precombat - 13 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.

Completed precombat action list [ Fire - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Fire - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    14.  counterspell ( default - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    15.  variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:2 ).
    16.  variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:3 ).
    17.  variable ( default - 4 )
     - variable.time_to_combustion will check this script entry ( Fire:default:4 ).
    18.  call_action_list ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (items_high_priority) was found.
    + items_high_priority
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    19.  call_action_list ( items_high_priority - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +2.68 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (items_combustion) was found.
    + items_high_priority, items_combustion
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    20.  ignition_mages_fuse ( items_combustion - 1 )
    The action (ignition_mages_fuse) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    21.  hyperthread_wristwraps ( items_combustion - 2 )
    The action (hyperthread_wristwraps) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    22.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_combustion - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    23.  cancel_buff ( items_combustion - 4 )
    The action (cancel_buff) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because required buff (manifesto_of_madness_chapter_one) not active.
    24.  azurethos_singed_plumage ( items_combustion - 5 )
    The action (azurethos_singed_plumage) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    25.  gladiators_badge ( items_combustion - 6 )
    The action (gladiators_badge) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    26.  gladiators_medallion ( items_combustion - 7 )
    The action (gladiators_medallion) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    27.  balefire_branch ( items_combustion - 8 )
    The action (balefire_branch) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    28.  shockbiters_fang ( items_combustion - 9 )
    The action (shockbiters_fang) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    29.  tzanes_barkspines ( items_combustion - 10 )
    The action (tzanes_barkspines) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    30.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_combustion - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    31.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_combustion - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    32.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_combustion - 13 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_combustion), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_combustion
    33.  use_items ( items_high_priority - 2 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + items_high_priority, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    34.  heart_essence ( items - 1 )
    The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items
    35.  manifesto_of_madness ( items_high_priority - 3 )
    The action (manifesto_of_madness) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    36.  azsharas_font_of_power ( items_high_priority - 4 )
    The action (azsharas_font_of_power) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    37.  rotcrusted_voodoo_doll ( items_high_priority - 5 )
    The action (rotcrusted_voodoo_doll) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    38.  aquipotent_nautilus ( items_high_priority - 6 )
    The action (aquipotent_nautilus) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    39.  shiver_venom_relic ( items_high_priority - 7 )
    The action (shiver_venom_relic) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    40.  forbidden_obsidian_claw ( items_high_priority - 8 )
    The action (forbidden_obsidian_claw) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    41.  harmonic_dematerializer ( items_high_priority - 9 ) - item [ 167677 ] missing
    42.  malformed_heralds_legwraps ( items_high_priority - 10 )
    The action (malformed_heralds_legwraps) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    43.  ancient_knot_of_wisdom ( items_high_priority - 11 )
    The action (ancient_knot_of_wisdom) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    44.  neural_synapse_enhancer ( items_high_priority - 12 )
    The action (neural_synapse_enhancer) is unusable at (2.68 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Returned from list (items_high_priority), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items_high_priority
    45.  mirror_image ( default - 6 ) - talent [ mirror_image ] missing
    46.  guardian_of_azeroth ( default - 7 ) - ability unknown
    47.  concentrated_flame ( default - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 27.32 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    48.  reaping_flames ( default - 9 ) - ability unknown
    49.  focused_azerite_beam ( default - 10 ) - ability unknown
    50.  purifying_blast ( default - 11 ) - ability unknown
    51.  ripple_in_space ( default - 12 ) - ability unknown
    52.  the_unbound_force ( default - 13 ) - ability unknown
    53.  rune_of_power ( default - 14 )
    The action is not ready ( 38.66 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    54.  call_action_list ( default - 15 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +2.68 - variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Action list (combustion_phase) was found.
    + combustion_phase
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    55.  lights_judgment ( combustion_phase - 1 ) - ability unknown
    56.  bag_of_tricks ( combustion_phase - 2 ) - ability unknown
    57.  living_bomb ( combustion_phase - 3 ) - ability unknown
    58.  blood_of_the_enemy ( combustion_phase - 4 ) - ability unknown
    59.  memory_of_lucid_dreams ( combustion_phase - 5 ) - ability unknown
    60.  worldvein_resonance ( combustion_phase - 6 ) - ability unknown
    61.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 7 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.68 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: charges[2.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[2.07] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[0.00] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[2.41] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[true] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[false] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    There are 3 recheck events.
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 1.93.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Recheck #1 ( +1.93 ) NOT MET: charges[2.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[2.28] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[0.00] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.48] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[true] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[false] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 9.42.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Recheck #2 ( +9.42 ) NOT MET: charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[3.00] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[0.00] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[true] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 9.42.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Recheck #3 ( +9.42 ) NOT MET: charges[3.00] >= 1 & ( ( action.fire_blast.charges_fractional[3.00] + ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] - buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] ) % cooldown.fire_blast.duration[0.00] - ( buff.combustion.remains[0.00] ) % ( buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] - 0.5 ) ) >= 0 | ! azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] | ! talent.flame_on.enabled[true] | buff.combustion.remains[0.00] <= buff.blaster_master.duration[3.00] | buff.blaster_master.remains[0.00] < 0.5 | equipped.hyperthread_wristwraps[false] & cooldown.hyperthread_wristwraps_300142.remains[0.00] < 5 ) & buff.combustion.up[false] & ( ! action.scorch.executing[false] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.up[false] | action.scorch.executing[false] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] & buff.heating_up.down[true] | azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & buff.heating_up.down[true] & buff.hot_streak.down[true] )
    62.  rune_of_power ( combustion_phase - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 38.66 ) before our maximum delay window ( 15.00 ) for this query.
    63.  fire_blast ( combustion_phase - 9 )
    The action (fire_blast) is usable at (2.68 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[false] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[false] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 2.42.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    Recheck #1 ( +2.42 ) NOT MET: azerite.blaster_master.enabled[true] & ( essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.major[false] | ! essence.memory_of_lucid_dreams.minor[false] ) & talent.meteor.enabled[true] & talent.flame_on.enabled[true] & buff.blaster_master.down[true] & ( talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & action.rune_of_power.executing[false] & action.rune_of_power.execute_remains[0.00] < 0.6 | ( variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | buff.combustion.up[false] ) & ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] & ! action.pyroblast.in_flight[false] & ! action.fireball.in_flight[false] )
    64.  call_action_list ( combustion_phase - 10 )
    There is no criteria for this action list..
    Action list (active_talents) was found.
    + combustion_phase, active_talents
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    65.  living_bomb ( active_talents - 1 ) - ability unknown
    66.  meteor ( active_talents - 2 )
    The action (meteor) is usable at (2.68 + 0.00) with cost of 1000.
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( combustion_phase ) called from ( Fire:default:15 ) would PASS at 0.00.
    variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0
    List ( active_talents ) called from ( Fire:combustion_phase:10 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] <= 0 | ( buff.rune_of_power.up[true] | cooldown.rune_of_power.remains[38.66] > time_to_die[3600.00] & action.rune_of_power.charges[0.00] < 1 | ! talent.rune_of_power.enabled[true] ) & ( cooldown.meteor.duration[45.00] < variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] | time_to_die[3600.00] < variable.time_to_combustion[0.00] )
    Action chosen:  meteor at 0.00!
    Returned from list (active_talents), current recommendation is meteor (+0.00).
    - active_talents
    The recommended action (meteor) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (combustion_phase).
    Returned from list (combustion_phase), current recommendation is meteor (+0.00).
    - combustion_phase
    The recommended action (meteor) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default).

Completed default action list [ Fire - default ].
Recommendation is meteor at 2.68 + 0.00.
Recommendation #4 is meteor at 0.00s (2.68s).
Time spent generating recommendations:  28.69ms

3.  If reporting an error (i.e., the addon freezes and/or disables itself), please install the BugSack and BugGrabber addons as they will enable you to paste the exact error message, with detail that will help me identify where the code error is located.  You can paste the error information here or use pastebin.com for that as well.

**PUT ERROR MESSAGE(S) HERE:**On my Fire Mage when the addon is idle before combat its telling me to use the wrong abilities for my opening sequences. is there anything we can do about this? its telling me i should be starting with my Azerite Power but i should be starting with rune of power. Please help me, thank you.


You can fill out the ticket properly if you want to explore this further.


okay, i updated the snapshot section anything else i needed to do? sorry this is my first with something like this.


First, I'm curious if there is something I could do differently to get folks to submit tickets following the instructions completely. GitHub formatting makes snapshots hard to read, so I explicitly ask for Pastebin links. Is there a reason you didn't use Pastebin that I should be aware of?

Here's a Pastebin link of the information you provided: https://pastebin.com/u0Kis0ec

Second, here is a look at the first 10 recommended abilities as combat starts (assuming a boss mob or Allow Pyroblast Hardcast Pre-Pull is checked):


Here is a sample sim of a pull:


These are in alignment. Your expectations appear to be incorrect. You do not want to waste multiple seconds of Ring of Power uptime as you set up for Combustion; you want to maximize its usage for your whole Combustion chain.