Prot Warrior not Loading
mcdudenurse opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Before You Begin
- I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
- I am not playing on a private server.
- I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
- I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
Describe the Issue
Protection warrior is either not loading a rotation at all, or when it does it is not displaying new icons as you cast.
How to Reproduce
- Enter game as protection warrior or change spec to protection warrior
- Target enemy
- Follow rotation
Player Information (Link)
Protection Warrior; Primary - Skarmorak Shard(0.00), Avatar(0.00) build: v11.0.2-1.0.11a level: 80 (80) class: WARRIOR spec: protection talents: CkEAmidFBOBFf5oKuZ7r/WeW7YEDAAAAzMzMmZGmZbmlZmZ2wYQjBjZAsMwwGzMjZYmZMDAAAAAAYmBAYZbDwwgttZMLLbjmZGmhtZpxGzG anger_management = 1/1 armored_to_the_teeth = 2/2 avatar = 1/1 avatar_of_the_storm = 1/1 battle_stance = 1/1 best_served_cold = 1/1 bloodsurge = 1/1 booming_voice = 1/1 bounding_stride = 1/1 brace_for_impact = 1/1 brutal_vitality = 1/1 burst_of_power = 1/1 challenging_shout = 1/1 champions_bulwark = 1/1 champions_spear = 1/1 crackling_thunder = 1/1 crashing_thunder = 1/1 cruel_strikes = 2/2 crushing_force = 2/2 defensive_stance = 1/1 demoralizing_shout = 1/1 devastator = 1/1 double_time = 1/1 enduring_alacrity = 1/1 enduring_defenses = 1/1 flashing_skies = 1/1 focused_vigor = 1/1 frothing_berserker = 1/1 ground_current = 1/1 heroic_leap = 1/1 ignore_pain = 1/1 impending_victory = 1/1 impenetrable_wall = 1/1 indomitable = 1/1 intimidating_shout = 1/1 into_the_fray = 1/1 keep_your_feet_on_the_ground = 1/1 last_stand = 1/1 leeching_strikes = 1/1 lightning_strikes = 1/1 mountain_thane = 1/1 onehanded_weapon_specialization = 1/1 piercing_challenge = 1/1 punish = 1/1 rallying_cry = 1/1 ravager = 1/1 reinforced_plates = 1/1 rend = 1/1 revenge = 1/1 rumbling_earth = 1/1 seismic_reverberation = 1/1 shield_charge = 1/1 shield_specialization = 2/2 shield_wall = 1/1 shockwave = 1/1 sidearm = 1/1 spell_block = 1/1 spell_reflection = 1/1 storm_bolt = 1/1 storm_bolts = 1/1 strategist = 1/1 strength_of_the_mountain = 1/1 thorims_might = 1/1 thunder_blast = 1/1 thunder_clap = 1/1 thunderlord = 1/1 unstoppable_force = 1/1 violent_outburst = 1/1 war_machine = 1/1 wild_strikes = 2/2 pvptalents: none covenant: none conduits: none soulbinds: [pelagos] sets: skarmorak_shard = 1 gear: amice_of_hidden_stars = 1 chiseled_boulder_pauldrons = 1 dredgers_developed_gauntlets = 1 dredgers_plate_sabatons = 1 duelists_dancing_steel = 1 earthen_nullification_aegis = 1 malleable_band = 1 nether_bountys_greatbelt = 1 ravaged_lamplighters_manacles = 1 red_linen_shirt = 1 secretdredgers_helm = 1 shadowbinding_ritual_knife = 1 shield = 1 skarmorak_shard = 1 strapped_rescuekeg = 1 tabard_of_the_scarlet_crusade = 1 thunderclad_legguards = 1 warsculptors_furred_plastron = 1 legendaries: none itemIDs: 211029, 211987, 212392, 212437, 215130, 215178, 219183, 219300, 221034, 221060, 221073, 222471, 222479, 223290, 225589, 23192, 2575 settings: aoe = 2 combatRefresh = 0.25 custom1Name = Custom 1 custom2Name = Custom 2 cycle = false cycle_min = 6 damage = true damageDots = false damageExpiration = 8 damageOnScreen = true damagePets = false damageRange = 0 enabled = true gcdSync = true maxRefresh = 10 maxTime = 33 nameplateRange = 10 nameplates = true noFeignedCooldown = false package = Protection Warrior petbased = false potion = potion_of_spectral_strength potionsReset = 20180919.1 rangeFilter = true regularRefresh = 0.5 throttleRefresh = false throttleTime = false free_revenge = true heroic_charge = false last_stand_amount = 50 last_stand_condition = false last_stand_health = 50 last_stand_offensively = false overlap_ignore_pain = false rallying_cry_amount = 50 rallying_cry_condition = false rallying_cry_health = 50 reserve_rage = 35 shield_wall_amount = 50 shield_wall_condition = false shield_wall_health = 50 shockwave_interrupt = true stack_shield_block = false stance_weaving = false toggles: cooldowns = true custom1 = false custom2 = false defensives = true essences = false [overridden] funnel = false interrupts = true mode = automatic potions = false keybinds: avatar = TAB [01] battle_shout = F1 [03] berserker_rage = SE [06] challenging_shout = CMwU[06] champions_spear = S4 [05] demoralizing_shout = Q [01] execute = [01] hamstring = SM2 [06] healthstone = SM1 [06] heroic_leap = SR [06] heroic_throw = F [05] ignore_pain = 2 [01] impending_victory = E [06] intimidating_shout = F2 [01] last_stand = T [01] pummel = MwD [05] rallying_cry = 6 [01] ravager = C [05] revenge = Z [01] shield_block = 1 [01] shield_charge = CR [06] shield_slam = 3 [01] shield_wall = SSPACE[05] shockwave = CMwD[05] spare_meat_hook = STAB[06] spell_block = SX [01] spell_reflection = X [06] storm_bolt = SMwD[06] taunt = MwU [05] thunder_blast = 4 [01] thunder_clap = 4 [01] thunderous_roar = V [06] will_to_survive = SF [05], TAB [07] warnings: [#1] Returned unknown string 'hp' in state metatable [Protection Warrior:default:15]. [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:2390: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua:2017> [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua"]:1282: in function
usable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:7242: in function IsUsable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:950: in function
GetPredictionFromAPL' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1414: in function GetNextPrediction' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1793: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua:1464> [#2] Update: ...ace/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua:1282: attempt to compare nil with number [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua"]:1282: in function
usable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:7242: in function IsUsable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:950: in function
GetPredictionFromAPL' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1414: in function GetNextPrediction' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1793: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua:1464> [#3] Returned unknown string 'hp' in state metatable [Protection Warrior:default:15]. [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:2390: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua:2017> [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua"]:1282: in function
usable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:7242: in function IsUsable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:950: in function
GetPredictionFromAPL' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1414: in function GetNextPrediction' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1793: in function
Update' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Options.lua"]:12107: in function MakeSnapshot' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Options.lua"]:12214: in function
FireToggle' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/UI.lua"]:2853: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/UI.lua:2852> targets: Nameplates are enabled. - Checking nameplate list for nameplate7 [ Creature-0-3780-2552-5877-219250-0000619E97 ] PvP Training Dummy. - Excluded by range (45 > 10). player_buffs: 6673 - battle_shout - 1 - 3214.67 386208 - defensive_stance - 1 - 3600.00 225788 - *sign_of_the_emissary - 1 - 3600.00 457666 - *dawnthread_lining - 1 - 3600.00 404464 - *flight_style_skyriding - 1 - 3600.00 player_debuffs: target_auras: target does not exist New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 11:17:58 ( 2611.12 ); using built-in ( Protection Warrior ) priority. *** START OF NEW DISPLAY: Primary *** Purged 308 marked values in 0.11ms. RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ). Resources: rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ] Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ). No whitelist. Processing precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 1. battle_stance ( precombat - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3477.18 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.03ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-1:battle_stance:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03) 2. battle_shout ( precombat - 2 ) The action is not ready ( 3214.67 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-2:battle_shout:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Completed precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Processing default action list [ Protection Warrior - default ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 3. pummel ( default - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-1:pummel:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 4. charge ( default - 2 ) The action (charge) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because target too close. Time spent on this action: 0.12ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-2:charge:0.12:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.09):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01) 5. use_items ( default - 3 ) There is no criteria for Use Items. + items Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 6. skarmorak_shard ( items - 1 ) The action (skarmorak_shard) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00). - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00). List ( items ) called from ( Protection Warrior:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00. NONE - this entry's criteria PASSES: ( ! settings.boss[false] | boss[false] ) & ( settings.targetMin[0.00] = 0 | active_enemies[1.00] >= settings.targetMin[0.00] ) & ( settings.targetMax[0.00] = 0 | active_enemies[1.00] <= settings.targetMax[0.00] ) Action chosen: skarmorak_shard at 0.00! Exiting items with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is skarmorak_shard (+0.00). - items The recommended action (skarmorak_shard) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default). Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Completed default action list [ Protection Warrior - default ]. Recommendation is skarmorak_shard at 0.00 + 0.00. Recommendation #1 is skarmorak_shard at 0.00s (0.00s). RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ). Resources: rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ] Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ). No whitelist. Processing precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 1. battle_stance ( precombat - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3477.18 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-1:battle_stance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 2. battle_shout ( precombat - 2 ) The action is not ready ( 3214.67 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-2:battle_shout:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Completed precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Processing default action list [ Protection Warrior - default ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 3. pummel ( default - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-1:pummel:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 4. charge ( default - 2 ) The action (charge) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because target too close. Time spent on this action: 0.04ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-2:charge:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00) 5. use_items ( default - 3 ) There is no criteria for Use Items. + items Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 6. skarmorak_shard ( items - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 90.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.06ms TimeData:UseItems-items-1:skarmorak_shard:0.06:Ability Known, Enabled(0.06) Exiting items with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00). - items 7. avatar ( default - 4 ) The action (avatar) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00). - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00). - this entry's criteria PASSES: buff.thunder_blast.down[true] | buff.thunder_blast.stack[0.00] <= 2 Action chosen: avatar at 0.00! Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Completed default action list [ Protection Warrior - default ]. Recommendation is avatar at 0.00 + 0.00. Recommendation #2 is avatar at 0.00s (0.00s). RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ). Resources: rage[ 10.00 / 100.00 ] Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ). No whitelist. Processing precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 1. battle_stance ( precombat - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3477.18 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-1:battle_stance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 2. battle_shout ( precombat - 2 ) The action is not ready ( 3214.67 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-precombat-2:battle_shout:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Completed precombat action list [ Protection Warrior - precombat ]. Processing default action list [ Protection Warrior - default ]. Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 3. pummel ( default - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-1:pummel:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 4. charge ( default - 2 ) The action (charge) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because target too close. Time spent on this action: 0.04ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-2:charge:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00) 5. use_items ( default - 3 ) There is no criteria for Use Items. + items Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s. 6. skarmorak_shard ( items - 1 ) The action is not ready ( 90.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.06ms TimeData:UseItems-items-1:skarmorak_shard:0.06:Ability Known, Enabled(0.06) Exiting items with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s. Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00). - items 7. avatar ( default - 4 ) The action is not ready ( 90.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-4:avatar:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 8. shield_wall ( default - 5 ) The action (shield_wall) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because incoming_damage_5s[0.00] < dmg_required[1806780.50] setting. Time spent on this action: 0.10ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-5:shield_wall:0.10:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.05):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.03) 9. blood_fury ( default - 6 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.04ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-6:blood_fury:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04) 10. berserking ( default - 7 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.03ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-7:berserking:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03) 11. arcane_torrent ( default - 8 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.03ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-8:arcane_torrent:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03) 12. lights_judgment ( default - 9 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-9:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 13. fireblood ( default - 10 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-10:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 14. ancestral_call ( default - 11 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-11:ancestral_call:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 15. bag_of_tricks ( default - 12 ) - ability unknown Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-12:bag_of_tricks:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 16. potion ( default - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions ) Time spent on this action: 0.95ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-13:potion:0.95:Ability Known, Enabled(0.95) 17. ignore_pain ( default - 14 ) The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query. Time spent on this action: 0.02ms TimeData:Protection Warrior-default-14:ignore_pain:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02) 18. last_stand ( default - 15 ) Recommendation thread terminated due to error: ...ace/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua:1282: attempt to compare nil with number [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorProtection.lua"]:1282: in function usable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/State.lua"]:7242: in function
IsUsable' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:950: in function GetPredictionFromAPL' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1414: in function
GetNextPrediction' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua"]:1793: in function <Interface/AddOns/Hekili/Core.lua:1464>
Error Messages (Link)
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