Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] elemental blast has 2 charges and only gets recommended when you have 2 charges

nalby1992 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


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  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).


Shaman - Enhancement

Describe the Issue

addon recommends lightning bolt to insta cast instead of elemental blast when i have only 1 charge of the ability available always recommends properly when im at 2 charges
New Text Document.txt

How to Reproduce

single target build with elemental blast picked in talents as enha shammy, do the rotation normally with cooldowns on, keep doing rotation until u have elemental wolves active and it recommeds you to do lightining bolt instead of elemental blast while still having 1 charge of elemental blast available

Snapshot (Link)


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There is a higher priority entry for Elemental Blast:
- this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.tempest.stack[0.00] < buff.tempest.max_stack[10.00] & buff.maelstrom_weapon.stack[8.00] >= 5 & talent.elemental_spirits.enabled[true] & feral_spirit.active[2.00] >= 2 & feral_spirit.remains[6.53] <= 2 * gcd.max[1.18]

In this case, it's waiting for Feral Spirit to be near expiration, likely to prioritize Lightning Bolt with the lightning dog buff. Otherwise, the Elemental Blast entry to avoid overcapping charges will come into play.


The 1.0.14 release will include an updated SimC priority that it looks like will use Elemental Blast more aggressive.