Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Feral Recommendation issue

whynotdead opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).


Druid - Feral

Describe the Issue

Some logical error with conditions like cooldown.???.ready and cooldown.???.remains and it's acting with reverse logic. Trying to modify rotation for myself and here is string:

( buff.apex_predators_craving.up & ! ( variable.need_bt & active_bt_triggers = 2 ) ) | ( ( dot.primal_wrath.up | dot.rip.up ) & ( energy.deficit < 81 | cooldown.tigers_fury.remains < 2 | ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready ) & ( buff.ravage.up & combo_points = 5 ) )

It should send bite with apex up and not needing trigger bt or with rip dot up and energy starved no more than 81 or tiger's fury ready/ready in 2 sec with ravage buff up and 5 cp. However, with cooldown.tigers_fury.ready it thinks that's on cd, while with ! it determines it's not on cd. Is that suppose to be like that? I think all conditions in cooldown section acts the same

How to Reproduce

  1. Enter game as feral
  2. Proceed to recommendations

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

Latest recommendation confirms that cooldown.???.ready have reverse logic

Contact Information



Ah alright, should be working like i wanted then to send ravage buffed bites in prio of refreshing rip if it still persist and i have enough energy to quickly rebuild rip/primal wrath, thank you! Was cooked a bit not knowing turned off cooldown acts like on cd to let recommendations going


! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready means not ready.


Total energy is 120, i had 31 which is more than 81 deficit, no apex proc, but ravage was up, so only condition that trigger it to pass is ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready when it was actually ready


Ye, my tiger's fury is off cd. but it acts otherwise. So conditions passes as with ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready but not cooldown.tigers_fury.ready, that's what i meant


Attached snaphot is with String below

( buff.apex_predators_craving.up & ! ( variable.need_bt & active_bt_triggers = 2 ) ) | ( ( dot.primal_wrath.up | dot.rip.up ) & ( energy.deficit < 81 | cooldown.tigers_fury.remains < 2 | ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready ) & ( buff.ravage.up & combo_points = 5 ) )


Also https://pastebin.com/Rrj5LfSi with cooldown.tigers_fury.remains < 2 removed but ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready persist to double confirm it. I have tiger's fury ready. No apex proc, energy deficit is > 81

  • this entry's criteria PASSES: ( buff.apex_predators_craving.up[false] & ! ( variable.need_bt[false] & active_bt_triggers[1.00] = 2 ) ) | ( ( dot.primal_wrath.up[true] | dot.rip.up[true] ) & ( energy.deficit[89.00] < 81 | cooldown.tigers_fury.remains[30.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready[false] ) & ( buff.ravage.up[true] & combo_points.current[5.00] = 5 ) )

A: ( buff.apex_predators_craving.up[false] & ! ( variable.need_bt[false] & active_bt_triggers[1.00] = 2 ) )
B: ( ( dot.primal_wrath.up[true] | dot.rip.up[true] )
C: ( energy.deficit[89.00] < 81 or cooldown.tigers_fury.remains[30.00] < 2 or ! cooldown.tigers_fury.ready[false] )
D: ( buff.ravage.up[true] & combo_points.current[5.00] = 5 ) )

To pass, either A alone or B and C and D together (or all four) are required to pass. A is false, so we look at B/C/D, all of which are met. For B, Rip is active. For C, Tiger's Fury is NOT ready (! false is true). For D, Ravage is up and you have 5 CP.


But my TF IS ready all the time


Okay, i see, most likely TF which was put to cooldowns to trigger and when it's off acts like my TF isn't ready at all times? Like it bypasses it


Yeah, it is kept on full CD so the addon can recommend the other things you are allowing it to recommend.
