Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Affliction AOE optimization

Devilwench opened this issue ยท 20 comments



So currently, when the Vile Taint talent is taken, Hekili assumes that should be the first thing cast. This should not generally be the case as you're setting up for as many Malefic Raptures as possible and it means that VT will fall off before you get to the end. You'll generally want to put the other dots (at least agony/corruption, and potentially UA/Siphon depending on situation and talents), then VT, then 4-5 MR's. It may be that it's assuming that you're going to go into a Dark Caller and get a duration extension, so as an opener, not actually bad, but less optimal than it could be. Even if you have DR, the extra tick chance for getting a shard will be better than the tick on VT.


Many priorities are still being theorycrafted by their respective class/spec groups. Everything you're saying is probably valid, but the way to prove it would be with some sim testing that can be translated into the addon. You're welcome to do some of that testing and provide data or to wait for theorycrafters to sort more out. Thanks!


The addon is literally not procc'ing malefic at all, even after casting all dots. The addon is just doing a bad job on a base spell.


I've played a fair amount of Affliction this week, and know that's not accurate. If you're actually seeing that happen, follow the instructions to fill out a complete ticket with snapshot and I'll be happy to investigate.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCAWO1rfLTc video might be processing still. looks like a lot of shadow bolts to me. on latest version of hek as well. cleared wtf saved variables as well just to make sure.


I'll look, but you still need to read the instructions so you can submit the snapshot that allows for investigating the issue.


I'm not sure how to do that. Similar to what i just did here on a seperate ticket you mean?


When you go to submit an issue here, it starts prefilled with instructions.


In current APL without the azerite cascading calamity it wont use Rapture unless you have vile taint dot on the target, I believe.


Same deal, submit a ticket that has a snapshot of what you're describing. Thanks.


Oh no I am not putting it as a bug, just saying thats why its not showing Rapture. Which is why it's not suggested to use Hekili low levels


That's still buggy imo. And i've been leveling as a rogue from level 1 and have not had any rotation issues, it actually been updating as i get new spells. I'm gonna bug ticket it regardless.


I wouldn't say it's buggy. It's the APL. Maybe a suggest to change/add in a function to allow it without vile and azerite enabled on low levels.


Yeah, low levels and short trash fights are not the best situations for testing. Snapshots will help clarify what's happening exactly, but it's most likely a matter of pooling shards. You wouldn't waste UA on something dying in a GCD and you wouldn't dump Raptures prematurely either. But there's room to enable such behavior on enemies that are short-lived (but it would not sim as optimal).


I'm not sure what snapshots are, i'm creating a ticket now, this is my first time posting for this addon, any help is appreciated.


And anything sub-50 is explicitly not supported because abilities change significantly as you level in most cases.


Or should i not bother since its not a level 50 toon? Let me know.

  1. If reporting a disagreement with the addon's recommendations, please take a snapshot when you observe the issue and provide the snapshot. This is not a screenshot. A snapshot can be generated by binding the Pause feature on the Toggles tab. When you press Pause, a snapshot of how the addon decided on its CURRENT recommendations is generated and saved to the Snapshots tab. Copy and paste this to pastebin.com and provide the link here.



When you made the ticket, it should've gave you instructions in the actual box on how to send the details needed.


i see it now thanks!


updated #480