Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


DH blade dance/death sweep not showing

Shamuraj opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Playing Cycle of hatered and not First Blood casues the addon not to display blade dance or death sweep. If I manually remove the varaible string its working, or if i swap the 2 talents.

this is the data:
build: v9.0.1-1.0.27
level: 50 (50)
spec: havoc

talents: burning_hatred

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

azerite: azerite_empowered = 3
chaotic_transformation = 1
elemental_whirl = 1
eyes_of_rage = 1
furious_gaze = 3
overwhelming_power = 1
resounding_protection = 1
revolving_blades = 1
soulmonger = 1
unstable_flames = 1
vampiric_speed = 1

essences: [essence_of_the_focusing_iris] = 4, breath_of_the_dying = 3, memory_of_lucid_dreams = 3, the_crucible_of_flame = 4

sets/legendaries/artifacts: none

gear: ashjrakamas_shroud_of_resolve = 1
bilestained_crawg_tusks = 1
cephalohide_jacket = 1
circlet_of_the_enveloping_leviathan = 1
deadeye_spyglass = 1
desiccators_blessed_gloves = 1
heart_of_azeroth = 1
lord_waycrests_signet = 1
macabre_ritual_pants = 1
mishun_blade_of_tyrants = 1
ooeygooey_galoshes = 1
pauldrons_of_the_great_convergence = 1
primal_dinomancers_belt = 1
ring_of_collective_consciousness = 1
sea_dogs_cuffs = 1
torment_in_a_jar = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 158075, 158305, 158362, 159301, 159310, 159312, 159314, 159623, 159653, 169056, 169223, 173943, 174105, 174133, 174143, 174530

settings: aoe = 2
buffPadding = 0
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
debuffPadding = 0
enabled = true
gcdSync = true
maxRefresh = 10
maxTime = 33
nameplateRange = 7
nameplates = true
package = Havoc
petbased = false
potion = potion_of_unbridled_fury
potionsReset = 20180919.1
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
demon_blades_acknowledged = false
recommend_movement = false

toggles: cooldowns = false
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = false
essences = true
interrupts = true
mode = automatic
potions = false


Please revisit the ticket instructions re: snapshots.


I moved your post to pastebin, per the instructions.

Death Sweep was not recommended, per the priority:

        The action (death_sweep) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 35 fury.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
        List ( demonic ) called from ( Havoc:default:12 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.blade_dance[false]

variable.blade_dance = talent.first_blood.enabled[false] | spell_targets.blade_dance1[1.00] >= ( 3 - talent.trail_of_ruin.enabled[true] )

With Trail of Ruin, you still need at least 2 targets for Death Sweep requirements to be met.

        The action (blade_dance) is usable at (0.00 + 4.44) with cost of 35 fury.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +4.44 vs. +60.00).
        List ( demonic ) called from ( Havoc:default:12 ) would PASS at 4.44.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.blade_dance[false] & ! cooldown.metamorphosis.ready[false] & ( cooldown.eye_beam.remains[22.45] > ( 5 - azerite.revolving_blades.rank[1.00] * 3 ) | ( raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > action_cooldown[4.28] & raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] < 25 ) )

Blade Dance also relies on having at least 2 targets (along with some other conditions that are irrelevant when you have fewer than 2 targets).

Sim yourself in single-target and see how often Death Sweep and Blade Dance are cast in the simulation.


(If you think it should be different, you can do some sim testing and link your results.)