IsUsableP trying to check predicted resources that don't exist.
Zeldern opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Below is an example of the costinfos for Heartstrike since type -2 doesn't exist IsUsableP errors for heartstrike. perhaps we should check for nil in the predcited resource map e.g.
if Player.PredictedResourceMap[CostInfo.type] ~= nil then
[1] = {
["hasRequiredAura"] = false,
["type"] = -2,
["name"] = HEALTH,
["cost"] = 0,
["minCost"] = 0,
["requiredAuraID"] = 202846,
["costPercent"] = 10,
["costPerSec"] = 0,
[2] = {
["hasRequiredAura"] = false,
["type"] = 6,
["name"] = RUNIC_POWER,
["cost"] = -15,
["minCost"] = -15,
["requiredAuraID"] = 0,
["costPercent"] = 0,
["costPerSec"] = 0,
[3] = {
["hasRequiredAura"] = false,
["type"] = 5,
["name"] = RUNES,
["cost"] = 1,
["minCost"] = 1,
["requiredAuraID"] = 0,
["costPercent"] = 0,
["costPerSec"] = 0,
} ,
I will look into, although @EvanMichaels might step in there.
Fixed by c5fad24
Although this cost type could be related to the health percentage only since the cost is 0 and instead it's costPercent. Right now we do support only the raw cost so while it would not throw an error, it would not be taken in account correctly.