


[Elemental Shaman] Totems suggested too much

solitha opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Since I'm actually playing this toon I've been having this happen quite a lot. Talents and gear here https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/silvermoon/turquoa

I'll post a screenie in Discord so you can see everything I had going on at the moment. Maybe there's a clue in there somewhere.


Aethys was pushing a release (with a fix I made awhile ago to solve this problem you're describing) at the same time you made this issue. Could you give it a try again with the new release and let me know if it's still a problem?

Referring to the issue you made about it ~24 days ago (#85)


It may be a while before I run that toon through challenging content again, so if you want to want to close this out and assume it was fixed in that pass feel free. Not like I can't start a new ticket later if needed :)

Edit: Took a run through EoA to get a hidden appearance, and it's still a thing. Fighting the second trash pull, all my totems around me, and the addon telling me to drop my totems.


I played Ele through a bunch of world quests and the world bosses for the week and never encountered this issue yesterday. Are you sure you were updated when you tested it again? I can't seem to get it to happen on my end. :S


Seems to be fixed. It did hang once, but I bulled through that one moment and it continued normally. Thanks lithium!