


[Bug]: Mindgames lua error on shadow priest

Profoundsoup opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

304x HeroRotation/Commons.lua:103: attempt to call local 'TargetIfCondition' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation/Commons.lua"]:103: in function CastTargetIf' [string "@HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:507: in function <HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua:488> [string "@HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:701: in function <HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua:633> [string "@HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:766: in function ?'
[string "@HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:460: in function <HeroRotation/Main.lua:438>

Object =

LastCastTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Mindgames"
IsMelee = false
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 40
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 0
SpellID = 375901
Enemies =
1 =
TargetIfMode = "max"
TargetIfCondition = nil
Condition = nil
OutofRange = false
OffGCD = nil
DisplayStyle = "Suggested"
TargetCondition = true
BestUnit = nil
BestConditionValue = nil
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
1 =
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
CycleUnit =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 209574
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-4217-2548-8940-209574-0000735226"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitName = "Aurostor"
(*temporary) =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 209574
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-4217-2548-8940-209574-0000735226"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitName = "Aurostor"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 209574
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-4217-2548-8940-209574-0000735226"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitName = "Aurostor"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call local 'TargetIfCondition' (a nil value)"
Target =
UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Aurostor"
UnitNPCID = 209574
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-4217-2548-8940-209574-0000735226"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
AoEON = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:418
Cast = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:152
pairs = defined =[C]:-1
Utils =
FindValueIndexInArray = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:58
SubStringCount = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:113
MergeTableByKey = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:80
SortMixedASC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:151
ValueIsInArray = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:47
EndsWith = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:127
BoolToInt = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:24
RevertTableIndex = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:132
StringToNumberIfPossible = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:107
SortDESC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:146
ShortenHotKey = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:161
IntToBool = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:28
StartsWith = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:123
UpperCaseFirst = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:33
SortASC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:141
MergeTable = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:68
CompareThis = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:101
ValueIsInTable = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:37
CastLeftNameplate = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:263

Icon Behavior

Icon does NOT disappear


This is now fixed in commit 4358fcd