


[Bug]: [SHADOW_PRIEST] the icon disappears during the "normal" dps cycle

Sparckx opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

Hello everyone, I'm taking the liberty of reporting this bug which has been going on for a few versions now. When I downgrade the verison I no longer have any problems (version ok = Basically I have the impression that the bug comes from the shadow word death but I preferred to copy the entire message, do not hesitate to come back to me if I can do something more.

thank you for your help and have a nice day.

(message from BugSack)

3551x HeroRotation/Commons.lua:103: attempt to call local 'TargetIfCondition' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation/Commons.lua"]:103: in function CastTargetIf' [string "@HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:579: in function <HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua:554> [string "@HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:762: in function ?'
[string "@HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:460: in function <HeroRotation/Main.lua:438>

Object =

LastCastTime = 148094.105000
LastHitTime = 148094.105000
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Shadow Word: Death"
IsMelee = false
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 40
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 148102.516000
SpellID = 32379
Enemies =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
TargetIfMode = "max"
TargetIfCondition = nil
Condition = nil
OutofRange = false
OffGCD = nil
DisplayStyle = nil
TargetCondition = true
BestUnit = nil
BestConditionValue = nil
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
CycleUnit =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 39616
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3890-643-13561-39616-00026C80E8"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitName = "Naz'jar Invader"
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
(*temporary) =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 39616
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3890-643-13561-39616-00026C80E8"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitName = "Naz'jar Invader"
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 39616
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3890-643-13561-39616-00026C80E8"
UnitID = "Nameplate2"
UseCache = true
UnitName = "Naz'jar Invader"
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
(*temporary) = "attempt to call local 'TargetIfCondition' (a nil value)"
Target =
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitName = "Vicious Snap Dragon"
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3890-643-13561-212681-00056C80E8"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 212681
AoEON = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:418
Cast = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:152
pairs = defined =[C]:-1
Utils =
FindValueIndexInArray = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:58
SubStringCount = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:113
MergeTableByKey = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:80
SortMixedASC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:151
ValueIsInArray = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:47
EndsWith = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:127
BoolToInt = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:24
RevertTableIndex = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:132
StringToNumberIfPossible = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:107
SortDESC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:146
ShortenHotKey = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:161
IntToBool = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:28
StartsWith = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:123
UpperCaseFirst = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:33
SortASC = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:141
MergeTable = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:68
CompareThis = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:101
ValueIsInTable = defined @HeroLib/Utils.lua:37
CastLeftNameplate = defined @HeroRotation/Core.lua:263

Icon Behavior

Icon disappears


Bug already fixed in commit 4358fcd