


[Bug]: HeroRotation disappeared on MoonGuard

Hadiroyo opened this issue · 15 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

Hey, the HeroRotation does not show up on my toons from Moon Guard, so can you please fix this? Thank you

Icon Behavior



I created a character on Moon Guard and it loads perfectly fine. Make sure all addons (as well as HeroRotation's sub-addons) are enabled. Also, ensure that nameplates are enabled.

You've also not answered the question about what message output HeroRotation puts in your chat box upon loading a character.


Do you want me to write down all of my Moon Guard toons' names?


No. I've asked twice what output HeroRotation dumps to your chat box upon loading. Also, you can enable lua errors with /console scriptErrors 1, then reload your UI to see if it is generating any errors. You can later disable error popups with /console scriptErrors 0.


I would need more information.

What classes or specs are you having trouble with?
What, if any, message displays in your chat box upon loading the game?
What version of the three addons are you using (10.2.0 is not a valid version number)?


I would need more information.

What classes or specs are you having trouble with? What, if any, message displays in your chat box upon loading the game? What version of the three addons are you using (10.2.0 is not a valid version number)?

I edited it


Any answers to the other two questions?


What other two questions?


I would need more information.

What classes or specs are you having trouble with?
What, if any, message displays in your chat box upon loading the game?
What version of the three addons are you using (10.2.0 is not a valid version number)?

There are three questions...


Well, HeroRotation addon does not show up on Moon Guard obviously, even though they're all enabled. It shows up on Wyrmrest Accord. It's just that Moon Guard doesn't have HeroRotation show up.


Nothing in the addon would stop it from working on a specific retail server.


I checked my toons on Moon Guard, and I see no HeroRotation. And then I checked my toons on Wyrmrest Accord, and I see HeroRotation.


Message: Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:200: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Dec 19 23:30:02 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:200: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:200: in function <Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:188>

Locals: self = HeroRotation_MainFrame {
0 =
Lock = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:143
ResizeButtons = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:104
ToggleLock = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:151
Unlock = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:123
ResizeUI = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:79
Arg1 = "HeroRotation"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Masque"
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"
MasqueFrameList =

Top Icons = HeroRotation_SmallIconFrame {
Part Overlay = HeroRotation_MainIconPartOverlayFrame {
Main Icon = HeroRotation_MainIconFrame {
Right Suggested Icon = HeroRotation_RightSuggestedIconFrame {
Left Icon = HeroRotation_LeftIconFrame {
Suggested Icon = HeroRotation_SuggestedIconFrame {
HR =
CastPooling = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:193
MaxQueuedCasts = 3
CmdHandler = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:315
PulseInit = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:370
GetTexture = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:45
APLInits =
CastSuggested = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:287
CastQueuePooling = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:224
CastAnnotated = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:183
PulsePreInit = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:312
LeftIconFrame = HeroRotation_LeftIconFrame {
CastRightSuggested = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:301
GUISettings =
ChangePulseTimer = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:486
Ready = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:473
Pulse = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:438
Timer =
CastMainNameplate = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:271
MainFrame = HeroRotation_MainFrame {
AoEON = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:418
NameplateIconFrame = HeroRotation_NameplateIconFrame {
Nameplate =
ToggleIconFrame = HeroRotation_ToggleIconFrame {
RightSuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_RightSuggestedIconFrame {
Commons =
Print = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:30
ResetIcons = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/UI.lua:39
Cast = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:152
CreateBackdrop = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/UI.lua:70
SuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_SuggestedIconFrame {
NameplateSuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_NameplateSuggestedIconFrame {
Locked = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:429
SmallIconFrame = HeroRotation_SmallIconFrame {
CastLeftCommon = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:247
FlashON = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:404
APLs =
MainIconPartOverlayFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconPartOverlayFrame {
DebugON = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:399
CastSuggestedOffset = 1
CastLeftNameplate = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:263
CastRightSuggestedOffset = 1
CastLeftOffset = 1
CastQueue = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:217
MainIconFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconFrame {
GUI = <ta


Fixed in commit 7e70aba

The fix will also be included in future version