[Bug]: lua error
Facelessmeat opened this issue ยท 1 comments
What version of HeroRotation are you using?
What version of HeroLib are you using?
What version of HeroDBC are you using?
What is the issue?
This is what i get when trying to use Hero rotation for Windwalker monk. Hero rotation works for brewmaster monk, and beast master hunter. ( not to sure what i am looking at) but this is what i have
Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Monk/Windwalker.lua:2217: attempt to index field 'Serenity' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Monk/Windwalker.lua"]:2217: in function `?'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:470: in function <Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:455>
Locals: ShouldReturn = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = "player"
(*temporary) = 12
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = "Power"
(*temporary) =
1 = 191914
2 = 191913
3 = 191912
4 = 191907
5 = 191906
6 = 191905
7 = 191383
8 = 191382
9 = 191381
10 = 191389
11 = 191388
12 = 191387
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Serenity' (a nil value)"
Enemies5y =
Player =
UseCache = true
UnitNPCID = -2
UnitCanBeAttacked = false
UnitID = "player"
UnitGUID = "Player-86-0A804072"
UnitExists = true
TimeToXResourceMap =
PredictedResourceMap =
UnitName = "Selkamonk"
Enemies8y =
EnemiesCount8y = 0
Everyone =
BossFightRemains = 11111
HL =
BuildInfo =
Unit =
PulseInitialized = true
Item =
CacheHasBeenReset = false
Spell =
Action =
MainFrame = HeroLib_MainFrame {
GUISettings =
CombatEnded = 570150.601000
LastUnitCycled =
Utils =
UnitNotInFrontTime = 0
SplashEnemies =
UnitGUIDMap =
MultiSpell =
LastUnitCycledTime = 0
UnitNotInFront =
CombatStarted = 0
SpecID_ClassesSpecs =
Timer =
FightRemains = 6666
XuenActive = false
S =
PoolEnergy =
MarkoftheCrane =
Skyreach =
FortifyingBrew =
InnerStrengthBuff =
CracklingJadeLightning =
FistsofFlowingMomentumBuff =
Transcendence =
BloodFury =
JadefireStomp =
WhirlingDragonPunchBuff =
RushingJadeWindBuff =
BonedustBrewBuff =
StrengthofSpirit =
MarkoftheCraneDebuff =
FlyingSerpentKickLand =
StopFoF =
JadefireBrandDebuff =
EyeoftheTiger =
TigerTailSweep =
Roll =
QuakingPalm =
ChiBurst =
GiftoftheNaaru =
HitComboBuff =
ChiWave =
TheEmperorsCapacitorBuff =
StormEarthAndFireFixate =
RushingJadeWind =
BagofTricks =
DiffuseMagic =
ExpelHarm =
FastFeet =
StrikeoftheWindlord =
TransferthePowerBuff =
TouchofDeath =
ChiTorpedo =
Resuscitate =
WhirlingDragonPunch =
AncestralCall =
Vivify =
ImpTouchofDeath =
XuensBattlegear =
ChiEnergyBuff =
JadeIgnition =
TouchofKarma =
BlackoutKickBuff =
DanceofChijiBuff =
StormEarthAndFire =
Detox =
JadefireHarmony =
SkyreachCritDebuff =
PowerStrikesBuff =
SerenityBuff =
ArcaneTorrent =
PressurePointBuff =
TranscendenceTransfer =
Fireblood =
Celerity =
Skytouch =
FlyingSerpentKick =
TigerPalm =
Provoke =
BlackoutKick =
BonedustBrew =
SkyreachExhaustionDebuff =
Disable =
Icons do not appear.
Icon Behavior
Monk has not yet been updated. https://github.com/herotc/hero-rotation#supported-rotations