


[Bug]: When running HR with Arms Warrior I keep getting errors that makes the addon go invisible.

ObsoletePaper opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

Here is my error from bugsack. Also I've tried turning off AOE to see if that made a difference. It also seems to popup after using the skill Ravager or Demolish. I am not spec'd into SkullSplitter

774x HeroRotation_Warrior/Arms.lua:288: attempt to index field 'SkullSplitter' (a nil value) [string "@HeroRotation_Warrior/Arms.lua"]:288: in function <HeroRotation_Warrior/Arms.lua:254> [string "@HeroRotation_Warrior/Arms.lua"]:981: in function ?'
[string "@HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:476: in function <HeroRotation/Main.lua:455>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) =

LastCastTime = 1065210.503000
LastHitTime = 1065210.503000
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Charge"
IsMelee = false
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 25
MinimumRange = 8
LastDisplayTime = 1065210.440000
SpellID = 100
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'SkullSplitter' (a nil value)"
S =
Charge =
ArcaneTorrent =
Skullsplitter =
VictoryRush =
Massacre =
Ravager =
BlademastersTorment =
AvatarBuff =
Warbreaker =
OpportunistBuff =
StrikeVulnerabilitiesBuff =
ChampionsMightBuff =
ChampionsMightDebuff =
MortalStrike =
HeroicThrow =
CollateralDamageBuff =
SweepingStrikes =
Demolish =
ColossusSmashDebuff =
SpellReflection =
ImminentDemiseBuff =
RavagerDebuff =
BagofTricks =
FervorofBattle =
ThunderousRoarDebuff =
WarMachineBuff =
ChampionsMight =
ImpendingVictory =
Unhinged =
IntimidatingShout =
ThunderClap =
WreckingThrow =
Pool =
DoubleTime =
AncestralCall =
CrushingForce =
LethalBlowsBuff =
MarkedforExecutionDebuff =
RendDebuff =
ImmovableObject =
SlayersDominance =
BrutalFinishBuff =
FierceFollowthrough =
BattleShout =
OverwhelmingRage =
Bladestorm =
LightsJudgment =
BloodandThunder =
WarlordsTorment =
HeroicLeap =
Fireblood =
BattleStance =
ExecutionersPrecisionDebuff =
Bloodletting =
SweepingStrikesBuff =
DefensiveStance =
StrengthofArms =
ExecutionersPrecision =
MercilessBonegrinder =
ThunderousRoar =
SonicBoom =
FrothingBerserker =
BattleShoutBuff =
Cleave =
Hurricane =
Rend =
SuddenDeathBuff =
ColossusSmash =
BerserkersTorment =
Dreadnaught =
StormBolt =
Shockwave =
Avatar =
Whirlwind =
Slam =
BloodFury =
MercilessBonegrinderBuff =
Execute =
HurricaneBuff =
Pummel =
MartialProwessBuff =
Overpower =
ChampionsSpear =
DeepWoundsDebuff =
TitanicThrow =
JuggernautBuff =
BerserkerRage =
Berserking =
ColossalMightBuff =
RallyingCry =
MarkofFyralathDebuff =
RumblingEarth =
EnemiesCount8y = 1
Target =
UnitExists = true
UnitNPCID = 212578
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3136-2552-26357-212578-00002BBA70"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitName = "Agaric Spreader"
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
Player =
UseCache = true
UnitNPCID = -2
UnitCanBeAttacked = false
UnitGUID = "Player-3661-084AC025"
UnitID = "player"
UnitExists = true
TimeToXResourceMap =
PredictedResourceMap =
UnitName = "Orcconfit"
TargetInMeleeRange = true
Everyone =
Enemies8y =
1 =
Settings =
General =
CommonsDS =
Arms =
Commons =
CommonsOGCD =

Icon Behavior

Icon disappears