


Hotkeys other than the main bar no longer show keybind

Barleduq opened this issue · 4 comments


I have the option to show the keybind toggled on. For a while now - I think before BfA dropped but I'm no longer sure - any ability that isn't on the 1st row of hotkeys does not display the keybind. I use the generic UI, and before BfA screwed with it, my main bar was 1-2-3 etc, the bar over that was control-shift-1-2-3 etc, and the bar over the right side of the UI was control-alt-1-2-3-etc.

For example: my windwalker has the chi-producer (tiger palm strike?) on the #2 button on the first row. When that is displayed as what I should use, it has a 2 on it. She has the ability that bounces back and forth between foe and friend, harming and healing, on the row that displays directly over row 1, #3. I have everything in that row keybound to be control-shift and the appropriate key - 1, 2, 3...=. When that ability is displayed as what I should use, it FORMERLY showed C-S-3 as the keybind. It now shows nothing. I have not moved those keybinds between the two xpacs.

Let me know if you want screenshots.



Closing since there has been no update.


I did manage to find an issue with macro keybind detection in the default UI, fixed here: herotc/hero-lib@8148879

No issues with the rows though, let me know if the macro change fixed your issue.


This fix should be in the release version now, so just update HeroLib to receive it. Let me know if that fixes your issue.