


Windwalker occasionally will stuck in pooling when energy bar is full

DNLMow opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Single target logic is definitely not utilizing the energy. In code the last priority is to cast tiger palm but only if chi deficit is >= 2. If this isn't the case then energy will sit a full and chi consumption abilities aren't being requested to cast either.

if S.TigerPalm:IsReadyP() and not Player:PrevGCD(1, S.TigerPalm) and Player:ChiDeficit() >= 2 and (Player:BuffDownP(S.RushingJadeWind) or Player:EnergyPredicted() > 56) then

I had to modify the code myself to use blackout kick as fall back if energy is almost full and ChiDeifict < 2 as the last priority condition.


The profile has been updated multiple times since this issue was reported. I'm currently unable to replicate this issue, so I assume one of the APL changes eliminated it. Will re-open if the issue is reported again.