Shadow Priest: :Lua error with OFFGCDasOffGCD with Alpha
Fraktyl opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Line 313:
if HR.Cast(S.Berserking, Settings.Common.OffGCDasOffGCD.Racials) then return ""; end
throws an error. Looking at the settings.lua file for ShadowPriest all the racial checks are part of the Settings.Shadow table.
Changing the above line to:
if HR.Cast(S.Berserking, Settings.Shadow.OffGCDasOffGCD.Racials) then return ""; end
Stops the Lua error, not sure if the original table needs to be updated or if the change above is the correct fix. Changing to the above stops the error and allows the addon to display recommended skills again.
thanks for the report. Should be fixed in e148ae7.