[Warrior]Runtime Error Found So Far
jo32 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
- If HR.Cast(S.ConcentratedFlame, Settings.Arms.GCDasOffGCD.Essences) then return "concentrated_flame"; end
+ if HR.Cast(S.ConcentratedFlame, Settings.Arms.GCDasOffGCD.Essences) then return "concentrated_flame"; end
- if S.Rampage:IsReadyP() and ((Player:BuffP(S.RecklessnessBuff) Player:BuffP(S.MemoryOfLucidDreams)) or (S.FrothingBerserker:IsAvailable() or S.Carnage:IsAvailable() and (Player:BuffRemainsP(S.EnrageBuff) < Player:GCD() or Player:Rage() > 90) or S.Massacre:IsAvailable() and (Player:BuffRemainsP(S.EnrageBuff) < Player:GCD() or Player:Rage() > 90))) then
+ if S.Rampage:IsReadyP() and ((Player:BuffP(S.RecklessnessBuff) or Player:BuffP(S.MemoryOfLucidDreams)) or (S.FrothingBerserker:IsAvailable() or S.Carnage:IsAvailable() and (Player:BuffRemainsP(S.EnrageBuff) < Player:GCD() or Player:Rage() > 90) or S.Massacre:IsAvailable() and (Player:BuffRemainsP(S.EnrageBuff) < Player:GCD() or Player:Rage() > 90))) then
no IsCastableP in RampingAmplitudeGigavoltEngine
Thanks for the report. These are fixed in commit 00656c6