Affliction LUA Error with
Fraktyl opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Current ALPHA throws this error:
464x HeroRotation_Warlock\Affliction.lua:686: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
HeroRotation_Warlock\Affliction.lua:686: in function `?'
HeroRotation\Main.lua:433: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:411>
If you wrap the S.DreadfulCalling:AzeriteEnabled() inside a num() call it stops throwing the error. So the line would look like:
if S.DarkSoul:IsCastableP() and HR.CDsON() and (S.SummonDarkglare:CooldownRemainsP() < 15 + Player:SoulShardsP() * num(S.DreadfulCalling:AzeriteEnabled()) and (Target:DebuffP(S.PhantomSingularityDebuff) or Target:DebuffP(S.PhantomSingularityDebuff) or not S.PhantomSingularity:IsAvailable() and not S.VileTaint:IsAvailable()) or Target:TimeToDie() < 20 + Player:GCD() or EnemiesCount > 1) then
Line 682 looks like it would throw the same LUA error if we had GuardianOfAzeroth castable.
Thanks for the report. Fixed in commit 93fdfff