


There are some problems with ADK and FDK.

geraint425 opened this issue · 9 comments


Hello, I'll probably start in order.


  1. Playing as an ADK, I saw that there was no support for Azshara's Font of Power. Please add it to the ADK rotation. Since now they are taking Azshara's Font of Power and Ashvane Razor Coral.
  2. After that I tried AOE rotation and saw that we do not use Dark Transformation in AOE rotation, we just rotate the rotation but without using Dark Transformation in AOE.


  1. FDK lacks full Ashvane's Razor Coral support. He uses it only when the breath of sindragosa is working. But he does not look at whether he is inserted or not. It just shows that just click on Ashvane's Razor Coral and that’s it. Please revise this moment and also make simultaneous support for Ashvane's Razor Coral and Azshara's Font of Power.
  2. When taking Frostscythe talent, he works only for AOE but does not want to use it for Solo purpose. As we know that we can use Frostscythe in Solo target only under one condition when the Killing Machine buff worked. But he does not do this and simply offers to press Obliterate. Please, please also pay attention to this.

P.S. I would like to know if it is possible in the add-on to turn on and off using the key combination? I would like to apply this method to the Pillar of Frost spell? Suppose, at the beginning of rotation, we checked that Pillar of Frost will be off gkd. Further, when the rotation with breath of sindragosa took place, I press the combination key shift + ctrl + n and Pillar of Frost will be displayed already in the Main icon in the rotation, and then to prepare for Sindragosa again in off gkd. Is this possible to do? Thank.



  1. Azshara's Font of Power is only in the SimulationCraft APL during Precombat. As we match the SimC APL, that's the only entry in HeroRotation. If the SimC APL is updated, HR will be as well.
    I've added Azshara's Font of Power under the generic "use_items" section of the SimC APL. This was added in commit d4dc958
  2. The SimC APL specifically states to not use Dark Transformation during AoE:
    As such, HR replicates this.

    I've removed the target count condition on Dark Transformation. It should be suggested on CD now. This was changed in commit dc83643


  1. Ashvane's usage matches the current SimC APL. The specific condition is:
    So it will trigger under multiple conditions:
    a. Empower Rune Weapon on CD with more than 90 seconds remaining, target has the Razor Coral debuff, and the other_on_use_equipped variable is true;
    b. Breath of Sindragosa is active, target has the Razor Coral debuff, and the other_on_use_equipped variable is false;
    c. Empower Rune Weapon buff is active, target has Razor Coral debuff, and Breath of Sindragosa is not talented;
    d. Target will die in less than 21 seconds.
    The other_on_use_equipped variable is true if one of a number of other usable trinkets is equipped, including Ashvane's Razor Coral. If it's only being suggested during condition (b), then the variable may be getting set incorrectly. I believe condition (b) should never be suggested, as having Ashvane's equipped should automatically make that variable true. Unfortunately, I have none of the trinkets it references, so I am unable to test the variable's value.

  2. Frostscythe has been updated to remove the multi-target requirement in several places. This has occurred in commit 9f72a5c


Also, I don't understand your P.S. request. Please elaborate.


Regarding the update of ashvane's razor coral. He does not want to embed him in the target. It turns out if we do the openner rotation, everything is fine there, but during the fight itself until the moment of syndragosa, he does not insert the coral so that it starts to stack. Here is a screenshot of an example where Hekilli offers me to insert coral so that it starts to stack, and in your rotation it is silent and Weakauras shows that you can insert coral into the target. That's what I wanted you to fix with FDK. IMG Bug

Regarding P.S. I would like to have a toggle switch ON and OFF in your program by key combinations. So that you can turn it off and on during the battle simply using the keyboard shortcuts. Img


I noticed another problem. Playing for ADK, taking control of another rather than a rotation, suggests using a dark transformation. And it should not be so. It is necessary to make a condition that will check whether we have our pet or not.


Thanks for the edits. Regarding the dark transformation, I would like to say that Control undead is absolutely not a pet. And the dark transformation should not be applied to him at all, since we cannot transform other creatures except ours.

Regarding the combination key, it’s a pity that you don’t think of this kind of adding, it would be very convenient to even switch from AOE to ST rotation instead of clicking the panel)


I understand that Control Undead is not a standard pet, however, the WoW API treats it as such. There may be some kind of work around, but we do not have one at this time.


Well, I hope that in Mythic + during the Control Undead the dark transformation will not appear in rotation.


Currently, it will.


I changed some of the trinket conditions for Frost in commit 4f6a7af

I added a check for whether a pet is active for Dark Transformation in commit cff720b

Please let me know if these make any difference for you.

For Dark Transformation, I believe a Control Undead pet technically qualifies as a pet being active through the WoW API, so DT would still be suggested with a controlled pet. That should be a very edge case, though.

As far as keybinds to toggle settings on or off, this would not be possible without an overhaul of the settings portion of the addon. At this time, I don't believe it's something planned for future releases.