


Demon hunter 'Disrupt' spell question

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Hi all,

Firstly many thanks for this wonderful addon.

As a demon hunter, I never see the interrupt spell 'Disrupt' proposed.

I have checked the 'Interrupt' setting in general options.
And i have try with checked and unchecked 'Show as Off GCD: Disrupt' setting in DemonHunter options.

Is that i have missed something?

Best regards, Neo

P.S.: Also, sometimes the same spell is proposed twice in the upper small icons (For example, the 'Metamorphosis' spell).


If i check the 'Interrupt' setting in general options and uncheck 'Show as Off GCD: Disrupt' setting in DemonHunter options.

And change the following line in 'Havoc.lua':

Everyone.Interrupt(10, S.Disrupt, Settings.Commons.OffGCDasOffGCD.Disrupt, StunInterrupts);


if (true) then
  local ShouldReturn = Everyone.Interrupt(10, S.Disrupt, Settings.Commons.OffGCDasOffGCD.Disrupt, StunInterrupts); if ShouldReturn then return ShouldReturn; end

Then it works :)


I was unable to replicate your issue. I ran a mythic+ last night as Havoc and was properly suggested Disrupt, as expected. I routinely raid as Vengeance and have always had Disrupt suggested appropriately as well.



With my character, the problem seems to come from the fact that the interrupt is well proposed but it is overriden by another valid proposal, later in the script, as there is no 'return' if an interrupt as been detected.

But ok, there is maybe a problem on my side.

Thanks for your response