


Enhancement Shaman ERROR

DKong86 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I have deleted all my addons and reinstalled HeroRotation yet I keep getting this error message but only for Enhancement Shaman the other Shaman specs work fine for me.
Message: Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:173: attempt to index global 'feral_spirit' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Sep 3 22:13:10 2019
Count: 503
Stack: Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:173: attempt to index global 'feral_spirit' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:173: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:171>
Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:548: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:439: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:417>

Locals: (*temporary) = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:163
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =

LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
SpellType = "Player"
LastHitTime = 0
LastCastTime = 0
LastDisplayTime = 0
SpellID = 114051
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'feral_spirit' (a nil value)"
VarCooldownSync = 0
num = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Shaman\Enhancement.lua:163
S =
StrengthofEarth =
Frostbrand =
ForcefulWinds =
GuardianofAzeroth =
LandslideBuff =
FeralSpirit =
BloodFury =
ResonanceTotemBuff =
NaturalHarmonyNatureBuff =
PrimalPrimer =
WorldveinResonance =
CrashLightningBuff =
FuryofAirBuff =
BloodoftheEnemy =
RazorCoralDebuff =
WindShear =
SearingAssault =
LightningConduitDebuff =
CrashLightning =
StormbringerBuff =
SeethingRageBuff =
EarthenSpikeDebuff =
EarthenSpike =
LavaLash =
FuryofAir =
Landslide =
AscendanceBuff =
StrengthofEarthBuff =
AncestralCall =
LightningConduit =
CapacitorTotem =
Stormstrike =
PrimalPrimerDebuff =
LightningShield =
Fireblood =
MoltenWeaponBuff =
HotHandBuff =
Sundering =
TotemMastery =
RecklessForceCounter =
ConcentratedFlameBurn =
RecklessForceBuff =
Rockbiter =
LifebloodBuff =
Hailstorm =
FocusedAzeriteBeam =
TheUnboundForce =
ConcentratedFlame =
RippleInSpace =
Flametongue =
PurifyingBlast =
MemoryofLucidDreams =
ConductiveInkDebuff =
Boulderfist =
NaturalHarmonyFireBuff =
NaturalHarmonyFrostBuff =
HotHand =
CracklingSurgeBuff =
SunderingDebuff =
FrostbrandBuff =
GatheringStormsBuff =
LightningBolt =
FlametongueBuff =
Thundercharge =
CrashingStorm =
NaturalHarmony =
Berserking =
Overcharge =
Ascendance =
Windstrike =
IcyEdgeBuff =
Player =
UseCache = true
ChiDeficitPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:581
Race = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:34
Insanityrain = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:632
FocusLossOnCastEnd = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:218
PainMax = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:706
IsInVehicle = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:92
EnergyDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Playe


Update to the latest alpha if updating via Twitch.


I have the latest update this is issue is not resolved but thx for just dismissing my error report like u did


It was fixed in a commit after the release of, which is why I said to get the latest alpha.