


ADK rotation is not working well.

Dragonfo opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hello. None, in the rotation of the Soul Reaper addon ignores it. Also during the AoE rotation, until you use Death and Decay, the AoE rotation does not start working on 4+ targets. Plus, there is no support for essences in the rotation.



  • Soul Reaper is an execute from 9.0.1 so no longer does damage if the target is not below 35%: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=343294/soul-reaper

  • AOE -> Thats how its currently working in the APL: First it tries to build fwound around active enemies (cycling Festering Strike), then burst them all -> Repeat

  • Theres no Essence support into the APL


Soul Reaper had an obsolete id, should be fixed now


Thanks for the fix. The problem with the AoE is that I was standing next to the manikins with 4 targets. And he offered to hang Festermight on each one, and after I hung Festermight on each target, he also suggested that I also put Festermight on another totem, which is far from me, although I think this is not correct. After all, I will not be able to hit this target, and my Death and decay will also not be able to hit it. Can I somehow fix this moment so that the nearest targets to which I can reach, he immediately offered to use Death and decay? so that Festermight does not offer to set up on goals that are out of reach.


By Festermight you mean Festering Strike, right?

Just pushed 985b85f that hopefully fix the problem


Hello again. I noticed a bug or not a bug. That in the AoE rotation, for some reason, the apocalypse is ignored.



APL uses apoc when a enemy has more or equal to 4 fwounds, and death and decay is not ticking