[DK] Sacrificial Pact is recommended without a Ghoul out
SulpherStaer opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I'm not very familiar with WoW's Lua API, but below is an example of grabbing the ghouls GUID & the time when it's summoned. If I have time later today after work I'll see where this might fit into hero-rotation and make a pull request. If another contributor sees this first feel free to implement it.
local summonedGhoul, summonedTime
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
self:OnEvent(event, CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo())
function frame:OnEvent(event, ...)
local timestamp, subevent, _, sourceGUID, _, _, _, destGUID, _, _, _, spellId = ...
if (subevent ~= "SPELL_SUMMON") then return end
if (spellId ~= 46585) then return end
if (sourceGUID ~= UnitGUID("player")) then return end
summonedGhoul = destGUID
summonedTime = timestamp
Sacrificial Pact suggestion fixed in 8703f1c
Using the cooldown of raise dead will cause issues. There are times your ghoul will despawn, but HR will believe it's still alive. Torghast is bad for this since moving floors can cause the ghoul to despawn. Below is what I've been using to reliably track if the ghoul is still up. This also ensures that the ghoul has recently attacked which means it should be in the damage range for sacrificial pact.
HL:RegisterForSelfCombatEvent(function(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, destGUID, _, _, _, spellId)
if spellId ~= 46585 then return end
HL.GhoulTable.SummonedGhoul = destGUID
-- Unsure if there's any items that could extend the ghouls time past 60 seconds
HL.GhoulTable.SummonExpiration = time() + 60
HL:RegisterForSelfCombatEvent(function(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId)
if spellId ~= 327574 then return end
HL:RegisterForCombatEvent(function(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, destGUID)
if destGUID ~= HL.GhoulTable.SummonedGhoul then return end
HL:RegisterForCombatEvent(function(_, _, _, srcGUID, _, _, _, _)
if srcGUID ~= HL.GhoulTable.SummonedGhoul then return end
HL.GhoulTable.AttackTime = time()
HL.GhoulTable = {
SummonedGhoul = nil,
SummonExpiration = nil,
AttackTime = nil
function HL.GhoulTable:reset()
HL.GhoulTable.SummonedGhoul = nil
HL.GhoulTable.SummonExpiration = nil
HL.GhoulTable.AttackTime = nil
function HL.GhoulTable:remains()
if HL.GhoulTable.SummonExpiration == nil then return 0 end
return HL.GhoulTable.SummonExpiration - time()
function HL.GhoulTable:lastAttack()
if HL.GhoulTable.AttackTime == nil then return 0 end
return time() - HL.GhoulTable.AttackTime
function HL.GhoulTable:active()
return HL.GhoulTable.SummonedGhoul ~= nil and HL.GhoulTable:remains() > 0 and HL.GhoulTable.AttackTime ~= nil and HL.GhoulTable:lastAttack() <= 3