


Rogue - Serrated Bone Spike invisible in rotation (Video)

ferrius94 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Greetings, and thanks for your hard work.

Spec: Assassin
Race: Human
Covenant: Necrolord

Sim for talents and such, if needed.

Since having reached level 60, and chosen Necrolord, everytime HR wants to suggest the use of the coventant ability, no icon is loaded in any location - having also attempted to change its appearance between main-icon, suggested, and CD. The rotation is appearing blank, and upon then using the ability once or twice, the rotation suggestions continue as normal.

I know for (almost) a fact, that this is not related to any other addon or the type of bar the spell is located in, as it in the previous week worked perfectly during the levelling process, and first being introduced to the Necrolord covenant abilities. I only had the issue after reaching 60 and updating my addons on the 1st of December (Tuesday) - and rediscovering the ability then.

Attached is a video of my experience.

Hero DBC, LIB, and Rotation are all up to date and downloaded manually off the Git repostiry.

Let me know if you need any further information...

To re-itterate, this worked fine in an earlier version, latest used a day after release of Shadowlands.

Please see this video, hosted on youtube.

Thank you


If it doesn't show anything, then there's likely an error. I can check if I see something odd later, but if you have an addon to collect bugs (like BugSack) it would help if you can post the error.


Thank you for your reply, here's a bug it grabbed in combat (and the only one):
(Let me know if there's a more complete place I can get it, other than chat output such as this one, it looks to be cut off?)

[17:18:07] 73x HeroRotation_Rogue\Assassination.lua:528: attempt to call method 'Buff' (a nil value) [string "@HeroRotation_Rogue\Assassination.lua"]:528: in function <HeroRotation_Rogue\Assassination.lua:519> [string "@HeroRotation_Rogue\Assassination.lua"]:689: in function ?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:445: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:423>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =

UseCache = true
ChiDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:596
GCDStartTime = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:70
Race = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:46
Insanityrain = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:648
FocusLossOnCastEnd = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:226
PainMax = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:725
IsInVehicle = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:116
IsInParty = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:33
EnergyDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:279
Fury = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:698
InstanceInfo = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Instance.lua:22
RageDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:139
VersatilityDmgPct = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:119
FocusTimeToXPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:202
MaelstromPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:554
ArcaneCharges = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:666
IsInDungeonArea = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Instance.lua:53
ActiveMitigationNeeded = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Tank.lua:57
UpdateActiveLegendaryEffects = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Equipment.lua:110
SoulShardsDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:470
GetEnemiesInRange = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Enemies.lua:53
IsInWhitelistedVehicle = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:145
PainDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:740
AttackPower = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:78
FocusCastRegen = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:208
PainDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:745
PrevOffGCD = defined @herolib\Events\Prev_Spell.lua:236
MasteryPct = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:114
InsanityPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:633
ManaDeficitPercentageP = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:113
FuryDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:708
PrevGCD = defined @herolib\Events\Prev_Spell.lua:202
AstralPowerMax = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:482
IsMounted = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:28
EnergyRegenPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:289
RunicPowerDeficit = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:389
FuryPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:703
Insanity = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:628
EnergyTimeToMaxPredicted = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:336
ArcaneChargesPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:671
AstralPowerDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:503
MaelstromDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:564
[17:18:17] Usage: /buggrabber <1-1>. `


Nice, thanks. Pushed a fix in f1500b7 that should be in the next release.