


[Warrior-Arms] Execute(Condemn) missing as Venthyr !

Samsemilia1 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


If you choose venthyr as faction, your Execute is replaced by "Condemn".
Actualy the helper completely ignores them, what is a big big lost of dps.


I am using


Does your UI allow you to view spell IDs on the tooltip (some like ElvUI do this)? If so, can you let me know what ID shows for Condemn?


Have fast installed an extra addon to check ist. The ID is 330334


Awesome! Thank you. It looks like Blizz is using multiple spell IDs for Condemn. It's probably different IDs based on Massacre and non-Massacre, at minimum. I've added ID 330334 in commit 2a8c01d


is there need of edit something other? I get the following lua error if Condemn should be usable:

Message: Interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua:32: attempt to index local 'ThisSpell' (a nil value)
Time: Mon Dec 21 00:21:31 2020
Count: 131
Stack: Interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua:32: attempt to index local 'ThisSpell' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua"]:32: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua:27>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua"]:81: in function BuffRemains' [string "@Interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Aura.lua"]:99: in function BuffUp'
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Warrior\Arms.lua"]:272: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Warrior\Arms.lua:222>
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_Warrior\Arms.lua"]:378: in function `?'
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:445: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:423>

Locals: self =

UseCache = true
ChiDeficitPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:596
GCDStartTime = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:70
Race = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:46
Insanityrain = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:648
FocusLossOnCastEnd = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:226
PainMax = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:725
IsInVehicle = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:118
IsInParty = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:33
EnergyDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:279
Fury = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:698
InstanceInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Instance.lua:22
RageDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:139
VersatilityDmgPct = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:119
FocusTimeToXPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:202
MaelstromPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:554
ArcaneCharges = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:666
IsInDungeonArea = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Instance.lua:53
ActiveMitigationNeeded = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Tank.lua:57
UpdateActiveLegendaryEffects = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Equipment.lua:117
SoulShardsDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:470
GetEnemiesInRange = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Enemies.lua:53
IsInWhitelistedVehicle = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:154
PainDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:740
AttackPower = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:78
FocusCastRegen = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:208
PainDeficitPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:745
PrevOffGCD = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Events\Prev_Spell.lua:236
MasteryPct = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:114
InsanityPercentage = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:633
ManaDeficitPercentageP = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:113
FuryDeficit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:708
PrevGCD = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroLib\Events\Prev_Spell.lua:202
AstralPowerMax = <function


Line 272 uses a BuffUp check on Sudden Death's buff. I'll have to do some testing after raid to see that we have the correct Sudden Death buff spell ID, and see if there's some issue with handling the Sudden Death buff.


What version of the addon are you running? This should have been fixed in version


Could you please also add Condemn with ID 317349 ?

This is Condemn on my Arms without Massacre. (With Massacre, and on Fury, it already shows up correctly.)

My Condemn IDs (9.0.5):

  • Arms
    • With Massacre: 330334
    • Without Massacre: 317349
  • Fury
    • With Massacre: 330325
    • Without Massacre: 317485
  • Protection: 317349

Condemn IDs were updated on March 11th and should no longer be an issue.

