[MM-HUNTER] Steady Focus buff before using CD
Ohemx opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I've been using HR in the raid setting past 2 weeks, and after analyzing/comparing my logs to top world hunters, I've noticed that when [Steady Focus] talent is picked, RH never suggest casting 2 Steady Shot at the opener to get the 7% Hast buff the [Steady Focus] offers that synergizes very well with the CD's, Which I believe it will increase the DPS substantively and can be easily fixed, Thanks for the good work btw
Marksmanship profile has been re-written multiple time since this issue was logged. Closing this issue.
now it somehow cast 3 aimed shot at the pull instead of 2, perhaps its overlap with this
-- steady_shot,if=talent.steady_focus.enabled&prev_gcd.1.steady_shot&buff.steady_focus.remains<5 if S.SteadyShot:IsReady() and (S.SteadyFocus:IsAvailable() and Player:PrevGCDP(1, S.SteadyShot) and Player:BuffRemains(S.SteadyFocusBuff) < 5) then if HR.Cast(S.SteadyShot, nil, nil, not TargetInRange40y) then return "steady_shot st 1"; end end
Here is the full version https://pastebin.com/EXyfzarn
So replacing
-- steady_shot,if=talent.steady_focus.enabled&prev_gcd.1.steady_shot&buff.steady_focus.remains<5 if S.SteadyShot:IsReady() and (S.SteadyFocus:IsAvailable() and Player:PrevGCDP(1, S.SteadyShot) and Player:BuffRemains(S.SteadyFocusBuff) < 5) then if HR.Cast(S.SteadyShot, nil, nil, not TargetInRange40y) then return "steady_shot st 1"; end end
with the code you sent me right ?
Add to the top line of the ST function.