


[DK - UH] Errors Only on Dark Iron Dwarf DK

vcorruptc opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This one is kind of weird. My horde DK works fine, but my Alliance DK's scourge strike and festering strike doesn't show up. Error below:
2309x HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua:324: attempt to index global 'ArmyoftheDead' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua"]:324: in function <HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua:297>
[string "@HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua"]:438: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:445: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:423>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = 276837
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'ArmyoftheDead' (a nil value)"
HR =

CastPooling = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:170
MaxQueuedCasts = 3
CmdHandler = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:264
PulseInit = defined @HeroRotation\Main.lua:355
GetTexture = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:46
APLInits =
LastUnitCycledTime = 183389.240000
CastSuggested = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:241
CastQueuePooling = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:198
CastAnnotated = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:161
PulsePreInit = defined @HeroRotation\Main.lua:301
LeftIconFrame = HeroRotation_LeftIconFrame {
CastRightSuggested = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:252
GUISettings =
LastUnitCycled =
ChangePulseTimer = defined @HeroRotation\Main.lua:463
AoEON = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:349
NameplateIconFrame = HeroRotation_NameplateIconFrame {
CreateBackdrop = defined @HeroRotation\UI.lua:67
ToggleIconFrame = HeroRotation_ToggleIconFrame {
RightSuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_RightSuggestedIconFrame {
Commons =
Print = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:31
ResetIcons = defined @HeroRotation\UI.lua:37
Cast = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:132
Pulse = defined @HeroRotation\Main.lua:423
Timer =
MainFrame = HeroRotation_MainFrame {
Locked = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:360
Nameplate =
CastLeftCommon = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:221
Ready = defined @HeroRotation\Main.lua:458
APLs =
SuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_SuggestedIconFrame {
CastLeftOffset = 1
SmallIconFrame = HeroRotation_SmallIconFrame {
SetAPL = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:38
CastRightSuggestedOffset = 1
CastQueue = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:192
MainIconPartOverlayFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconPartOverlayFrame {
MainIconFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconFrame {
CastSuggestedOffset = 1
CastLeft = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:226
CastLeftNameplate = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:232
CastOffGCDOffset = 2
ON = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:355
CDsON = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:335
S =
UnholyStrengthBuff =
UnholyAssault =
LightsJudgment =
UnholyBlightDebuff =
PoolResources =
UnholyAssaultBuff =
ArcanePulse =
DeathCoil =
ScourgeStrike =
ArmyoftheDamned =
ArmyoftheDead =
FesteringStrike =
Fireblood =
DeathStrike =
DeathStrikeBuff =
ConvocationOfTheDead =
DarkTransformation =
SoulReaper =
SacrificialPact =
SummonGargoyle =
DeathAndDecay =
UnholyPact =
Epidemic =
RaiseDead =
ClawingShadows =
Defile =
DeathsDue =
DeathAndDecayBuff =
SuddenDoomBuff =
UnholyBlight =
MindFreeze =
Pestilence =
AncestralCall =
BagofTricks =
BloodFury =
ArcaneTorrent =
VirulentPlagueDebuff =
FesteringWoundDebuff = <t


Can confirm, my dark iron dwarf is having the same error. Keeps saying armyofthedead a nil value, same error you are getting. But It is very rare. It does not have to do with Army being on CD or off as I have the error both ways. I am wondering if my dark iron racial is what is causing this issue as I notice it mainly after it tells me to do dark transformation and I have that macrod for Fireblood too.

Message: Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua:324: attempt to index global 'ArmyoftheDead' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Jan 23 10:07:19 2021
Count: 161
Stack: Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua:324: attempt to index global 'ArmyoftheDead' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua"]:324: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua:297>
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation_DeathKnight\Unholy.lua"]:438: in function `?'
[string "@interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:445: in function <Interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:423>

Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = 276837
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'ArmyoftheDead' (a nil value)"
HR =

CastPooling = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:170
MaxQueuedCasts = 3
CmdHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:264
PulseInit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:355
GetTexture = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:46
APLInits =
LastUnitCycledTime = 526095.082000
CastSuggested = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:241
CastQueuePooling = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:198
CastAnnotated = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:161
PulsePreInit = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:301
LeftIconFrame = HeroRotation_LeftIconFrame {
CastRightSuggested = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:252
GUISettings =
LastUnitCycled =
ChangePulseTimer = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:463
AoEON = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:349
NameplateIconFrame = HeroRotation_NameplateIconFrame {
CreateBackdrop = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\UI.lua:67
ToggleIconFrame = HeroRotation_ToggleIconFrame {
RightSuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_RightSuggestedIconFrame {
Commons =
Print = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:31
ResetIcons = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\UI.lua:37
Cast = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:132
Pulse = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:423
Timer =
MainFrame = HeroRotation_MainFrame {
Locked = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:360
Nameplate =
CastLeftCommon = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:221
Ready = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Main.lua:458
APLs =
SuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_SuggestedIconFrame {
CastLeftOffset = 1
SmallIconFrame = HeroRotation_SmallIconFrame {
SetAPL = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:38
CastRightSuggestedOffset = 1
CastQueue = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:192
MainIconPartOverlayFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconPartOverlayFrame {
MainIconFrame = HeroRotation_MainIconFrame {
CastSuggestedOffset = 1
CastLeft = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:226
CastLeftNameplate = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:232
CastOffGCDOffset = 1
ON = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:355
CDsON = defined @interface\AddOns\HeroRotation\Core.lua:335
S =
UnholyStrengthBuff =
UnholyAssault =
LightsJudgment =
UnholyBlightDebuff =
PoolResources =
UnholyAssaultBuff =
ArcanePulse =
DeathCoil =
ScourgeStrike =
ArmyoftheDamned =
ArmyoftheDead =
FesteringStrike =
Fireblood =


This should be fixed in commit d3e9444