


Demon Hunter - Havoc

MrCyphyr opened this issue · 2 comments


Getting repeated LUA message warnings. Bug Sack has:

1559x HeroRotation_DemonHunter\Havoc.lua:148: attempt to call method 'TrinketHasStatAnyDps' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation_DemonHunter\Havoc.lua"]:148: in function <HeroRotation_DemonHunter\Havoc.lua:141>
[string "@HeroRotation_DemonHunter\Havoc.lua"]:390: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:447: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:425>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =

ItemName = "Darkmoon Deck: Voracity"
ItemSlotIDs =
LastCastTime = 0
ItemRarity = 4
ItemMinLevel = 60
ItemID = 173087
ItemLevel = 200
LastDisplayTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'TrinketHasStatAnyDps' (a nil value)"
trinket1 =
ItemName = "Darkmoon Deck: Voracity"
ItemSlotIDs =
LastCastTime = 0
ItemRarity = 4
ItemMinLevel = 60
ItemID = 173087
ItemLevel = 200
LastDisplayTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
trinket2 =
ItemName = "Memory of Past Sins"
ItemSlotIDs =
LastCastTime = 0
ItemRarity = 4
ItemMinLevel = 60
ItemID = 184025
ItemLevel = 200
LastDisplayTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
VarTrinketSyncSlot = 0
VarUseEyeBeamFuryCondition = false
S =
ThrowGlaive =
FirstBlood =
FelBarrage =
ImmolationAuraBuff =
EssenceBreak =
FuriousGazeBuff =
FelRush =
CycleofHatred =
MomentumBuff =
EyeBeam =
MetamorphosisBuff =
BladeDance =
EssenceBreakDebuff =
UnboundChaos =
UnboundChaosBuff =
FelEruption =
ChaosStrike =
Blur =
DemonBlades =
DemonsBite =
DeathSweep =
Metamorphosis =
SinfulBrandDebuff =
ExposedWoundDebuff =
BurningWoundDebuff =
PreparedBuff =
ChaosTheoryBuff =
SinfulBrand =
GlaiveTempest =
ChaosNova =
Demonic =
Disrupt =
Felblade =
TheHunt =
SerratedGlaive =
Annihilation =
ElysianDecree =
TrailofRuin =
BlindFury =
FelBombardmentBuff =
Momentum =
ImmolationAura =
VengefulRetreat =
DarkglareEquipped = false
Target =
UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Boneweave Ambusher"
UnitNPCID = 159737
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-4217-2222-1184-159737-00004F8C26"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
Cast = defined @HeroRotation\Core.lua:132


Update your version of HeroLib. CurseForge is out of date. can be found here
