


HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua error

Hexus-Proud opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I get this error:

366x HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:353: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua"]:353: in function <HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:349>
[string "@HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua"]:863: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:449: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:427>

(*temporary) = 3.426000
(*temporary) = defined @HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:200
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) =

LastCastTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Flammenzuwachs"
IsMelee = true
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 0
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 0
SpellID = 337224
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
var_combustion_ready_time = 0
S =
SunKingsBlessingBuff =
RemoveCurse =
MirrorsofTorment =
TomeofMonstruousConstructionsBuff =
HeatingUpBuff =
RuneofPower =
FromTheAshes =
RingOfFrost =
BloodFury =
BerserkingBuff =
Blink =
Counterspell =
DragonsBreath =
AlexstraszasFury =
ArcaneExplosion =
Fireball =
ArcaneIntellectBuff =
SunKingsBlessingBuffReady =
MirrorImage =
Meteor =
GroveInvigoration =
FlameAccretion =
IreOfTheAscended =
BagofTricks =
SearingTouch =
FireBlast =
FlamePatch =
FrostNova =
SlowFall =
Invisibility =
ArcaneIntellect =
Kindling =
AncestralCall =
LightsJudgment =
Pyroblast =
BlazingBarrier =
RaidantSparkVulnerability =
SiphonedMalice =
ShiftingPower =
Combustion =
Fireblood =
BloodFuryBuff =
DoorofShadows =
SoulIgnitionBuff =
DisciplinaryCommandBuff =
GrislyIcicleDebuff =
GrislyIcicleBuff =
FirestormBuff =
InfernalCascadeBuff =
InfernalCascade =
HotStreakBuff =
Frostbolt =
Firestarter =
FieldOfBlossoms =
PyroclasmBuff =
TimeWarp =
CombustionBuff =
WastelandPropriety =
Scorch =
Flamestrike =
PhoenixFlames =
SpellSteal =
RadiantSparkDebuff =
RadiantSpark =
Fleshcraft =
Ignite =
Deathborne =
FlameOn =
BlastWave =
FocusMagic =
Pyroclasm =
LivingBomb =
AlterTime =
Berserking =
IceBlock =
Soulshape =
RuneofPowerBuff =
DeathborneBuff =
var_kindling_reduction = 0.400000
var_combustion_precast_time = nil
num = defined @HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:200
EnemiesCount8ySplash = 1
var_combustion_flamestrike = nil
var_combustion_cast_remains = nil
var_time_to_combustion = nil
var_firestarter_combustion = -1
max = defined =[C]:-1
CovenantID = 3
DeathFathomEquipped = false
Player =
CovenantID = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:58
UseCache = true
ChiDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:596
GCDStartTime = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:70
Race = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:46
Insanityrain = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:648
FocusLossOnCastEnd = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:226
PainMax = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:725
IsInVehicle = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:124
IsInParty = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:33
EnergyDeficit =


The profiles have been re-written for 9.2 launch day. This should no longer be an issue. If the problem persists, please let us know.