


Hero rotation throwing large amounts of errors for arcane mage

danamero35 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Within the last few updates HeroRotation now just throws a large number of errors on my Arcane Mage. I have tried removing and reinstalling the addon to no avail. Below is the error details:

1714x HeroRotation_Mage\Arcane.lua:1521: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'var_time_until_ap' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation_Mage\Arcane.lua"]:1521: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:449: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:427>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1.331000
(*temporary) = 1.331000
(*temporary) =

LastCastTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Radiant Spark"
IsMelee = false
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 40
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 0
SpellID = 307443
(*temporary) = 1.331000
(*temporary) = 1.330645
(*temporary) = 1.331000
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'var_time_until_ap' (a nil value)"
Enemies8ySplash =
1 =
Target =
UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Scavenging Mite"
UnitNPCID = 181110
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3887-2374-17544-181110-00003608E3"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
EnemiesCount8ySplash = 1
EnemiesCount10ySplash = 1
FightRemains = 8888
HL =
RegisterForEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:46
BossFilteredFightRemains = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:371
Pulse = defined @herolib\Main.lua:29
BuildInfo =
Unit =
PulseInitialized = true
RoPTime = 0
Item =
CacheHasBeenReset = false
LiveRealm = defined @herolib\Core.lua:34
RegisterForCombatPrefixEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:133
UnregisterForEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:62
AddCoreOverride = defined @herolib\Misc\Overrides.lua:26
BetaRealm = defined @herolib\Core.lua:44
Spell =
BossFightRemainsIsNotValid = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:356
GetInstanceInfo = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:37
Action =
LoadRestores = defined @herolib\Misc\Overrides.lua:42
RegisterForCombatSuffixEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:148
MainFrame = HeroLib_MainFrame {
GUISettings =
CombatEnded = 0
RecoveryTimer = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:116
BMPullTime = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:87
RegisterForCombatEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:88
OutOfCombatTime = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:82
UnregisterForSelfCombatEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:177
Latency = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:111
LastUnitCycled =
Utils =
UnitNotInFrontTime = 0
SplashEnemies =
GetInstanceDifficulty = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:72
LoadOverrides = defined @herolib\Misc\Overrides.lua:48
Print = defined @herolib\Core.lua:49
UnregisterAuraTracking = defined @herolib\Events\Aura.lua:37
UnitGUIDMap =
BuildVersion = defined @herolib\Core.lua:29
MultiSpell =
CombatTime = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:77
LastUnitCycledTime = 0
UnitNotInFront =
UnregisterForCombatEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:163
BossFightRemains = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:351
FightRemains = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:319
TTDRefresh = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:53
RecoveryOffset = defined @herolib\Misc\ToSort.lua:124
FilteredFightRemains = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\TimeToDie.lua:361
CombatStarted = 526626.046000
SpecID_ClassesSpecs =
RegisterForSelfCombatEvent = defined @herolib\Events\Main.lua:103


This should be fixed in commit 01a17e3


No response in 24 days. Assuming this is fixed. If not, please let me know.