


HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua since the patch 9.2 the same error as in 9.1 and 9.15

Hexus-Proud opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I get the same error every time since wow 9.1 with my Fire-Mage......

190x HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:356: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua"]:356: in function <HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:352>
[string "@HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua"]:870: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation\Main.lua"]:449: in function <HeroRotation\Main.lua:427>

(*temporary) = 3.300000
(*temporary) = defined @HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:203
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) =

LastCastTime = 0
LastHitTime = 0
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 0
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 0
SpellName = "Flammenzuwachs"
IsMelee = true
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 0
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 0
SpellID = 337224
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
var_combustion_ready_time = 0
S =
SunKingsBlessingBuff =
RemoveCurse =
MirrorsofTorment =
CombatMeditation =
HeatingUpBuff =
RadiantSpark =
FromTheAshes =
RingOfFrost =
BloodFury =
BerserkingBuff =
VolatileSolvent =
IcyPropulsion =
SoulIgnitionBuff =
AlexstraszasFury =
ArcaneExplosion =
Fireball =
ArcaneIntellectBuff =
ArcaneProdigy =
SunKingsBlessingBuffReady =
MirrorImage =
Meteor =
GroveInvigoration =
FlameAccretion =
IreOfTheAscended =
PustuleEruption =
BagofTricks =
WastelandPropriety =
FireBlast =
FlamePatch =
FrostNova =
SlowFall =
Invisibility =
ArcaneIntellect =
Kindling =
AncestralCall =
LightsJudgment =
Pyroblast =
EffusiveAnimaAccelerator =
BlazingBarrier =
SiphonedMalice =
ShiftingPower =
ExpandedPotentialBuff =
Combustion =
FieldOfBlossoms =
LivingBomb =
Pyroclasm =
Ignite =
BloodFuryBuff =
DoorofShadows =
InfernalCascade =
SearingTouch =
Fireblood =
RadiantSparkVulnerability =
InfernalCascadeBuff =
FirestormBuff =
GrislyIcicleDebuff =
PhoenixFlames =
HotStreakBuff =
Frostbolt =
Firestarter =
TomeofMonstruousConstructionsBuff =
PyroclasmBuff =
TimeWarp =
CombustionBuff =
Berserking =
Scorch =
Flamestrike =
AlterTime =
BlastWave =
RuneofPower =
DisciplinaryCommandBuff =
RuneofPowerBuff =
DragonsBreath =
GrislyIcicleBuff =
FlameOn =
Blink =
Counterspell =
SpellSteal =
FocusMagic =
IceBlock =
Fleshcraft =
Deathborne =
Soulshape =
RadiantSparkDebuff =
DeathborneBuff =
var_kindling_reduction = 1
var_combustion_precast_time = nil
num = defined @HeroRotation_Mage\Fire.lua:203
EnemiesCount8ySplash = 1
var_combustion_flamestrike = nil
var_combustion_cast_remains = nil
var_time_to_combustion = nil
var_firestarter_combustion = -1
max = defined =[C]:-1
CovenantID = 3
DeathFathomEquipped = false
Player =
CovenantID = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:58
UseCache = true
ChiDeficitPercentage = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:596
GCDStartTime = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Stat.lua:70
Race = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Main.lua:46
Insanityrain = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:648
FocusLossOnCastEnd = defined @herolib\Class\Unit\Player\Power.lua:226
PainMax = defined @herolib


It looks like you've somehow gotten into a scenario where somehow the CombustionTiming function is being called before the VarInit function. This would mean that when it tries to define a few timing variables in CombustionTiming, other variables that are being relied on are still nil. I've make a few changes that will hopefully prevent this from happening. Please try the changes in commits 406beaf and cbaed74


I did some more testing. It looks like this error should have only been happening if you open with a non-target spell (ground targeted, such as Flamestrike, or Arcane Explosion). In those instances, the variables were never being defined. I've changed when the VarInit function is called in commit cdb0760. This should be the final fix to the errors you were receiving.


Thank you very much for the quick help...


Feel free to let us know if you have any further issues. Closing this issue for now.