Outlaw RTB Logic doesn't seem to be working as intended
GarrettCottrell opened this issue ยท 4 comments
else -- # Reroll BT + GM or single buffs early other than Broadside, TB with Shadowdust, or SnC with Blunderbuss -- actions+=/variable,name=rtb_reroll,value=rtb_buffs<2&(!buff.broadside.up&(!runeforge.concealed_blunderbuss|!buff.skull_and_crossbones.up)&(!runeforge.invigorating_shadowdust|!buff.true_bearing.up))|rtb_buffs=2&buff.buried_treasure.up&buff.grand_melee.up if RtB_Buffs() == 2 and Player:BuffUp(S.BuriedTreasure) and Player:BuffUp(S.GrandMelee) then Cache.APLVar.RtB_Reroll = true elseif RtB_Buffs() < 2 and (not Player:BuffUp(S.Broadside) and (not ConcealedBlunderbussEquipped or not Player:BuffUp(S.SkullandCrossbones)) and (not InvigoratingShadowdustEquipped or not Player:BuffUp(S.TrueBearing))) then Cache.APLVar.RtB_Reroll = true else Cache.APLVar.RtB_Reroll = false end end
this seems to not be a correct recommendation - perhaps I'm wrong but there is a 5 buff with 11s remaining and I'm being recommended to reroll off of it
Sounds like you are likely on the older version. The pre-10.0 method for determining RtB duration was made non-functional by the patch. Please update to 10.0 version!
I've triggered a new version to be published. You can grab it directly from here or you can wait for CurseForge to pick it up. Hopefully shouldn't take long. Either or should work.