



behemot011 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

Lua error while using the rotation with shadowpriest

Message: Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Commons.lua:75: attempt to call local 'Condition' (a nil value)
Time: Thu May 4 10:48:14 2023
Count: 152
Stack: Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Commons.lua:75: attempt to call local 'Condition' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Commons.lua"]:75: in function CastCycle' [string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:511: in function <Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua:488> [string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:569: in function <Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua:515> [string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation_Priest/Shadow.lua"]:639: in function ?'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:455: in function <Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:433>

Locals: Object =

LastCastTime = 1851665.646000
LastHitTime = 1851665.646000
LastAppliedOnPlayerTime = 1851665.646000
LastRemovedFromPlayerTime = 1851672.662000
SpellName = "Mindgames"
IsMelee = false
SpellType = "Player"
MaximumRange = 40
MinimumRange = 0
LastDisplayTime = 1851665.605000
SpellID = 375901
Enemies =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
Condition = nil
OutofRange = false
OffGCD = nil
DisplayStyle = "Suggested"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Cleave Training Dummy"
UnitNPCID = 198594
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3024-2444-2578-198594-000052FF6F"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call local 'Condition' (a nil value)"
Target =
UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Cleave Training Dummy"
UnitNPCID = 198594
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3024-2444-2578-198594-000052FF6F"
HR =
CastPooling = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:173
MaxQueuedCasts = 3
CmdHandler = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:273
PulseInit = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:365
GetTexture = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:46
APLInits =
LastUnitCycledTime = 1851552.678000
CastSuggested = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:246
CastQueuePooling = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:201
CastAnnotated = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:164
PulsePreInit = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:308
LeftIconFrame = HeroRotation_LeftIconFrame {
CastRightSuggested = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:259
GUISettings =
LastUnitCycled =
ChangePulseTimer = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:479
AoEON = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:358
NameplateIconFrame = HeroRotation_NameplateIconFrame {
CreateBackdrop = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/UI.lua:68
ToggleIconFrame = HeroRotation_ToggleIconFrame {
RightSuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_RightSuggestedIconFrame {
Commons =
Print = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:31
ResetIcons = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/UI.lua:37
Cast = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:135
Pulse = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:433
Timer =
MainFrame = HeroRotation_MainFrame {
Locked = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:369
Nameplate =
CastLeftCommon = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.lua:224
Ready = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Main.lua:468
APLs =
SuggestedIconFrame = HeroRotation_SuggestedIconFrame {
CastLeftOffset = 1
SmallIconFrame = HeroRotation_SmallIconFrame {
SetAPL = defined @Interface/AddOns/HeroRotation/Core.l

Icon Behavior



Duplicate of issue #936

Fixed in commit 387ec4f