


[Bug]: Feral druid LUA error

stormerdoom opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version of HeroRotation are you using?

What version of HeroLib are you using?

What version of HeroDBC are you using?

What is the issue?

Playing as a feral druid I am getting a LUA error. Character is level 61 if that matters.

409x HeroRotation_Druid/Feral.lua:252: attempt to index local 'PotionSelected' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation_Druid/Feral.lua"]:252: in function Condition' [string "@HeroRotation/Commons.lua"]:94: in function CastTargetIf'
[string "@HeroRotation_Druid/Feral.lua"]:694: in function <HeroRotation_Druid/Feral.lua:652>
[string "@HeroRotation_Druid/Feral.lua"]:795: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:456: in function <HeroRotation/Main.lua:434>

TargetUnit =

UnitExists = true
UnitName = "Primal Proto-Whelp"
UnitNPCID = 193876
UnitGUID = "Creature-0-3024-2444-12907-193876-0000274E1F"
UnitID = "target"
UseCache = true
UnitCanBeAttacked = true
PotionSelected = nil
CombatTime = 6.574000
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Creature-0-3024-2444-12907-193876-0000274E1F"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'PotionSelected' (a nil value)"
Everyone =
bool = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:35
num = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:31
IsSoloMode = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:72
CanDoTUnit = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:50
PotionSelected = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:173
GroupBuffMissing = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:116
CastTargetIf = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:93
UnitIsCycleValid = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:45
GetCurrentEmpowerData = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:144
TargetIsValid = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:40
CastCycle = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:77
Interrupt = defined @HeroRotation/Commons.lua:55
HL =
RegisterForEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:46
BossFilteredFightRemains = defined @HeroLib/Class/Unit/TimeToDie.lua:385
Pulse = defined @HeroLib/Main.lua:50
BuildInfo =
Unit =
PulseInitialized = true
Druid =
Item =
CacheHasBeenReset = false
LiveRealm = defined @HeroLib/Core.lua:34
RegisterForCombatPrefixEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:133
UnregisterForEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:62
AddCoreOverride = defined @HeroLib/Misc/Overrides.lua:26
BetaRealm = defined @HeroLib/Core.lua:44
Spell =
BossFightRemainsIsNotValid = defined @HeroLib/Class/Unit/TimeToDie.lua:370
GetInstanceInfo = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:37
Action =
LoadRestores = defined @HeroLib/Misc/Overrides.lua:42
RegisterForCombatSuffixEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:148
MainFrame = HeroLib_MainFrame {
GUISettings =
CombatEnded = 0
RecoveryTimer = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:116
BMPullTime = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:87
RegisterForCombatEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:88
OutOfCombatTime = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:82
UnregisterForSelfCombatEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:177
Latency = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:111
LastUnitCycled =
Utils =
UnitNotInFrontTime = 0
SplashEnemies =
GetInstanceDifficulty = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:72
LoadOverrides = defined @HeroLib/Misc/Overrides.lua:48
Print = defined @HeroLib/Core.lua:49
UnregisterAuraTracking = defined @HeroLib/Events/Aura.lua:37
UnitGUIDMap =
BuildVersion = defined @HeroLib/Core.lua:29
MultiSpell =
CombatTime = defined @HeroLib/Misc/ToSort.lua:77
LastUnitCycledTime = 0
UnitNotInFront =
UnregisterForCombatEvent = defined @HeroLib/Events/Main.lua:163

Icon Behavior

Icon disappears


This should be fixed in commit 4917c93

The problem is the PotionSelected() function checks for raid potions, as the addon is technically for max level characters. So when under the usable level for these potions, the potion to use ends up as a nil value. This code change should resolve that issue. Please let me know if you still have a problem after the update.