Lua error
BarbokOL opened this issue ยท 3 comments
It just stopped working out of nowhere, I genuinly don't know how to reproduce it, nothing really changed about my interface either since, only thing that changed was the newest patch.
Addon basically doesn't work at all, when hovering over any of the other addon buttons it throws me the lua error mentioned below.
Addon Version: 11.0.2
2x HidingBar/HidingBar.lua:59: attempt to call method 'leave' (a nil value)
[string "@HidingBar/HidingBar.lua"]:59: in function <HidingBar/HidingBar.lua:55>
[string "@HidingBar/HidingBar.lua"]:1727: in function <HidingBar/HidingBar.lua:1727>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
btn = LibDBIcon10_DBM {
fadeOut = AnimationGroup {
__MSQ_Charge_Skin = <table> {
__MSQ_bType = "Legacy"
__MSQ_Normal_Color = <table> {
dataObject = <table> {
__MSQ_Scale = 1
__MSQ_Addon = "HidingBar"
compartmentData = <table> {
isMouseDown = false
__MSQ_Enabled = true
__MSQ_oType = "Button"
__MSQ_Gloss = Texture {
__MSQ_Skin = <table> {
db = <table> {
__Regions = <table> {
__MSQ_Normal_Skin = <table> {
__MSQ_Highlight_Color = <table> {
__MSQ_Shape = "Square"
__MSQ_Normal = Texture {
__MSQ_New_Normal = Texture {
icon = Texture {
__MSQ_Backdrop = Texture {
__MSQ_Icon = Texture {
bar = Minimap {
ZoomOut = Button {
isMouse = false
ZoomIn = Button {
timer = 0
ZoomHitArea = Frame {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = Minimap {
ZoomOut = Button {
isMouse = false
ZoomIn = Button {
timer = 0
ZoomHitArea = Frame {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'leave' (a nil value)"
hb = HidingBarAddon {
MSQ_CGButton = <table> {
db = <table> {
minimapButtons = <table> {
currentProfile = <table> {
charDB = <table> {
MSQ_Button = <table> {
pConfig = <table> {
createdButtons = <table> {
barByName = <table> {
matchName = "LibDBIcon10_HidingBar%d+$"
MSQ_Button_Data = <table> {
btnParams = <table> {
manuallyButtons = <table> {
cb = <table> {
ldbiPrefix = "LibDBIcon10_"
mixedButtons = <table> {
profiles = <table> {
MSQ_MButton = <table> {
bars = <table> {
Hi, you have another addon that interacts with the minimap buttons.
You can test addons by disabling them one by one.
Resolved, thank you. In the process of diagnosing the issue, I discovered that a Lua error would occur even when running the addon independently. Therefore, I cleared the Luas of previously removed addons, which resolved the problem.