


Feature suggestion: synchronize button

Olorun opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Would be nice to have some way to manually force a synchronizing of data. Some request that can only be started by a raid/group leader (or assist). This way, you could set up a group to spread data around.


Possibly with an window popping up so that users can confirm/deny the request to update.


Just join a group / raid and die, you will trigger syncing of your data to the rest of raid members.


I know about the death-trigger, it just seems like it could be nice to have the synch button for when you're in your capital city and share the data with other people . Having to suicide while I'm in Orgrimmar just to share the data seems a bit excessive, that is why I suggested it.


You also share the data after every successful "inspect" of the player, that is on mouseover or target of any other guy you instantly distribute this new information to others.


if you pvp with the same people, you obviously die at least once and share the whole database with all of them, and then while inspectin more players you also share this information.


I'd also prefer a manual option, if you pvp with the same people you won't really get to update it with outsiders.