Ranking points
Olorun opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Not sure how RP are currently determined in HonorSpy, but there is a function that can be used for obtaining rank points. Below is a macro that I use for it, I'm sure you can rework the function to improve the RP part of HonorSpy.
/script P=(math.floor(GetPVPRankProgress(target)*10000))/100 W=UnitPVPRank("player") N=(W-6)5000+5000P/100 Q=(W-5)5000-N0.8 SendChatMessage("Rank progress: "..P.."% ".."Current RP: "..N.." RP to next rank: "..Q.."","emote")
Do note that this only works for self-reporting, but at least the players using HonorSpy could share better data that way.
Why do you say "better" data? Are you not satisfied with current RP in the table?
If you see some strange "round" numbers like 2000, 3000, 5000, all that players have Rank1, which is technically a 0 RP.
Have a look at the code: https://github.com/kakysha/HonorSpy/blob/classic/honorspy.lua#L112