


Items that need to be added for looting

dsblack115 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Quest: Commander Domitille's Helm (although I don't think it is labeled as a quest item when looted)
Skinning: Unbroken Tooth, Unbroken Claw


I'll need to look, there are some others which delete but I'm not sure if it is because a checkbox needs to be ticked or what. They are Motes of Life, Earth, Harmony (I think).

Also, is there a way to move the HL messages to a different frame? I have a separate loot frame to manage clutter, but HL posts in the main frame.


Thanks I'll look into adding them! If there are any other items or filter you think should be added please let me know!


Another thing that I thought about on the loot monitor. For Ancient Mana (7.1.5) and Nethershards (new in 7.2) although they don't actually get looted into the bags, there is a total amount. Is there a way to have the total amount displayed in the loot monitor when it is looted, like whenever I skin something, it'll display the total amount in bags. This is just a little convenience type thing, I can easily see how much I have, but just thought I'd run it by you to see if this can somehow be added in the loot monitor.


Addition: Legion Ammunition

This is part of a world quest, but gets deleted upon loot. Added to inclusion list for now.

  • There should be a filter for looting motes which should work.
  • I can try to add an option for the output channel.
  • For the Ancient Mana etc. I can look into it... If it technically counts as loot or currency I should be able to track it. Otherwise, I'm not sure.
  • I'll look into Legion Ammunition too.

And the problem with a lot of these, Unbroken Tooth for example, is that most people would consider it a skinning item but behind the scenes its not actually labeled as one which is Blizzards problem and it makes things harder for me.

Until I get a lot of these items added in I suggest adding them to your include list. Also if you disable skinning mode it won't delete items. You can also disable it then set a modifier key with the next option which makes it so when you hold the key it will temporarily enable skinning mode but only when you are looting with the key held down.

I'll keep you updated on what I have working. If you ever want to try/test out an unreleased version you can always download from the develop branch and use that. It will have the newest features as it gets updated as I add things. Be warned though, these are unstable and may not always work as intended.


Ancient Mana, Nethershard are labeled as tokens. For some reason Legionfall War Supplies don't show up anywhere, I have to look how much I have when it's looted. But that's a UI issue, not an HL issue.


ok I've got it now to where, for any currency/token, it will show you how many are looted and how many you have if you have the "Show Total in Bags" option check. I still need to overhaul the options though. If you'd like to try it you can dl the develop branch.


All currency (ancient mana etc) should be included in the latest available version along with the leather stuff. Thanks!