Party and Raid Frames Role Fix - WOTLK
Richyrich07 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hello, can you please fix the party and raid frames to show the roles of the players and please show who has sauteed as these do not show up
This is also still not showing up for party and if it could be added to the Raid module.
So this looks like an issue with the oUF code. For what ever reason it's not working as it should I was able to create a similar action by adding a function to set the co-ords for the texture.
function GetTexCoordsForRoleSmallCircle(role)
if ( role == "TANK" ) then
return 0, 19/64, 22/64, 41/64;
elseif ( role == "HEALER" ) then
return 20/64, 39/64, 1/64, 20/64;
elseif ( role == "DAMAGER" ) then
return 20/64, 39/64, 22/64, 41/64;
error("Unknown role: "..tostring(role));
Then changing the local RoleIndicator to the following:
local RoleIndicator = Health:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
RoleIndicator:SetSize(16, 16)
RoleIndicator:SetPoint("CENTER", Health, -20, 0)
local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned("player")
if(role == 'TANK' or role == 'HEALER' or role == 'DAMAGER') then
The only issues here is that it doesn't update when the role is changed.
@Hydra-Mods hopefully you can use something like this to flesh this function out.
Here is the LUA if anyone wants to test and build from it.