Aurawatch.lua - Library file belonging to OuF Library
Kewlie opened this issue ยท 2 comments
we have an issue with the "aurawatch.lua" (located: interface/addons/Hydraui/Libs/OUF/Elements/Aurawatch.lua) in the OUF library, for some reason line 62 SetText() is throwing and error while hots are active on the frames
a quick fix to prevent the error is to comment out that line or move the calculation that it is trying to perform into it's own if statement then allow the script to follow on
im not the best at this by any means but here is my attempt
so that it then becomes
if icon.count then if count > 1 and count then icon.count:SetText() -- this is line 62 end end
the error reported is attached for your refrence