Improved Talent Loadouts

Improved Talent Loadouts


Button Switching Issue(Non Macro)

Leiserbeamz opened this issue ยท 5 comments


so when using this addon on my rogue i have a constant issue were it will swap my poisons utility button the one that opens up to all your poisons it will swap it with random ability even after a save like just now it changed it for kidney shot if i replace it with the poisons and resave it will be ok for a while but it does this a lot it has since season 1 for me when i started using this addon
this is the utility im talking about that gets changed a lot


Should be fixed with the latest release. Please let me know if it still happens.


i thought thats what it sounded like in the changelog will definitely let you know thank you <3


this is still happening and its happening quite frequently now multiple times a day wondering if i have to make a macro for my poisons to get around it at this point


I will look into it. Not sure why it only happens after some time.


i wish i could provide a little more detail but im unsure whats causing it it also had been a while since it happened but it just happened again turned my saved loadouts poisons utilities into pickpocket again had to go through all like 8 and resave poison in that spot