Inactive Reputation Headers

Inactive Reputation Headers


Rep list exploding with latest patch

SirJorb opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Looks like some of the code for the rep pane may have changed with 10.2, as the rep list is exploding now. Some reps are listed with no names, and scrolling down sometimes causes the entire rep frame to become uninteractive (can no longer scroll, click, etc) until reload.

2x FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:194: attempt to concatenate local 'standingID' (a nil value)
[string "@FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua"]:194: in function <FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:129>
[string "=[C]"]: in function 'ReputationFrame_InitReputationRow'
[string "@FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua"]:17: in function `initializer'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:382: in function 'InvokeInitializer'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:391: in function 'InvokeInitializers'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:718: in function 'Update'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:258: in function 'SetScrollPercentageInternal'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:250: in function 'SetScrollPercentage'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollController.lua"]:98: in function 'ScrollInDirection'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:232: in function 'ScrollInDirection'
[string "@SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollController.lua"]:89: in function <SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollController.lua:87>

factionRow = Button {
0 =
GetData = defined @SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:96
index = 29
ElementDataMatches = defined @SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:105
GetOrderIndex = defined @SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:110
SetOrderIndex = defined @SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:114
OnClick = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:409
Container = Frame {
OnLoad = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:399
standingText = "Hated"
ShowFriendshipReputationTooltip = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:454
OnLeave = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:443
ShowMajorFactionRenownTooltip = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:476
hasRep = true
ParagonReputationHook = true
OnEnter = defined @FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:424
rolloverText = "|cffffffff 31,175 / 36,000|r"
GetElementData = defined @SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:96
elementData =

index = 29
factionIndex = 29
factionContainer = Frame {
0 =
ExpandOrCollapseButton = Button {
Name = FontString {
Background = Texture {
Paragon = Frame {
ReputationBar = StatusBar {
factionBar = StatusBar {
0 =
Highlight2 = Texture {
FactionStanding = FontString {
LeftTexture = Texture {
RightTexture = Texture {
AtWarHighlight1 = Texture {
AtWarHighlight2 = Texture {
BonusIcon = Frame {
Highlight1 = Texture {
factionTitle = FontString {
0 =
factionButton = Button {
0 =
Highlight = Texture {
factionStanding = FontString {
0 =
name = nil
description = nil
standingID = nil
barMin = nil
barMax = nil
barValue = nil
atWarWith = nil
canToggleAtWar = nil
isHeader = nil
isCollapsed = nil
hasRep = nil
isWatched = nil
isChild = nil
factionID = nil
hasBonusRepGain = nil
canSetInactive = nil
colorIndex = nil
barColor = nil
factionStandingtext = nil
isParagon = nil
isCapped = nil
isMajorFaction = nil
repInfo = nil
gender = 3
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate local 'standingID' (a nil value)"


I'm having the same issue. You'll get this error even with the addon disabled. Something has gone wrong with the base UI and I'm waiting to see if Blizzard fixes it.


It seems the default UI no longer likes us marking the "Guild" faction as inactive. I wrote this to mark it active again:

/run for i = 1, 400 do if select(14, GetFactionInfo(i)) == 1168 then SetFactionActive(i) end end