Battle of Dazar'Alor - Grong the Revenant, Barrel of Monkeys Error
Malivil opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Trying to expand the text in the IAT UI generates this error:
Message: Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua:329: attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)
Time: Sun Nov 17 15:40:07 2024
Count: 2
Stack: Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua:329: attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua"]:329: in function Init' [string "@Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua"]:350: in function
[string "@Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua"]:636: in function <Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua:633>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...e/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function TriggerEvent' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Shared/Scroll/ScrollUtil.lua"]:524: in function
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Shared/Scroll/ScrollUtil.lua"]:440: in function ToggleSelectElementData' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Shared/Scroll/ScrollUtil.lua"]:533: in function
[string "@Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua"]:563: in function <Interface/AddOns/InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua:562>
Locals: self = Button {
TopTsunami1 = Texture {
Highlight = Frame {
TitleBar = Texture {
Glow = Texture {
TopRightTsunami = Texture {
TopLeftTsunami = Texture {
Icon = Frame {
NineSlice = Frame {
backdropColorAlpha = 0
Event =
Trackable = FontString {
Label = FontString {
BottomLeftTsunami = Texture {
callbackTables =
PlusMinus = Texture {
Description = FontString {
OutputTactics = OutputTactics {
Background = ScrollBoxBackground {
OutputPlayers = Button {
BottomRightTsunami = Texture {
Tactics = SimpleHTML {
BottomTsunami1 = Texture {
layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout"
elementData =
tactics =
key = "boss3"
boss =
name = "Grong, the Revenant"
currentHeight = 84
collapsed = true
selected = false
Expanded = true
achievementLink = "[Barrel of Monkeys]"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 = "For this achievement you will need to carry and place 6 barrels on the floor before the fight against Grong. You can find the Heavy Barrel by the stairs before you go up to the boss area.
Place the Heavy Barrel on the floor, engage the boss, and make sure the barrels get hit by [Deathly Slam].
Once the Heavy Barrel are destroyed, the boss will gain a 20% damage increase buff for 30 seconds per barrel destroyed ([Going Ape]). Once all barrels are destroyed, finish him off and you will get the achievement."
2 = "For this achievement you will need to carry and place 6 barrels on the floor before the fight against IAT_144637. You can find the IAT_149043 by the stairs before you go up to the boss area.
Place the IAT_149043 on the floor, engage the boss, and make sure the barrels get hit by [Reverberating Slam].
Once the IAT_149043 are destroyed, the boss will gain a 20% damage increase buff for 30 seconds per barrel destroyed ([Going Ape]). Once all barrels are destroyed, finish him off and you will get the achievement."
(*temporary) = "%
(*temporary) = "
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'gsub' (a nil value)"
Config =
g_achievementSelectionBehavior =
classicPhase = 7
revisionVersion = 0
OptionsListDataProvider =
BossListDataProvider =
InstanceListDataProvider =
tabDataProvider =
majorVersion = 5
minorVersion = 14
UI = AchievementTracker {